


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:48:17

  • 1、Intrusion mitigation techniques should be developed forincorporation into standards and eventually, into regulations.(应研发纳入标准的降低闯入危险性的技术,并最终纳入规定。)
  • 2、All documentation relating to theincorporation and initial organization of the Company and its subsidiaries.(所有关于公司及其子公司之成立和初始组织结构的文件。)
  • 3、The primary requirement to successfully applying this pattern is theincorporation and enforcement of the required design standards.(成功应用该模式的主要需求是相关设计标准的引入和加强。)
  • 4、However, it was not until January 31, 1944, that articles ofincorporation were filed.(然而,直到1944年1月31日,该组织的文件才正式归档。)
  • 5、Theincorporation of touch screens into portable devices is one driver of this growth.(把触摸屏集成到便携式设备是增长的动因之一。)
  • 6、incorporation Is It Right For My Business?(注册是它是否适合我的企业?)
  • 7、So maybe you should deferincorporation until you are close to raising money.(因此,大概你可以推迟注册公司,直到筹到资金为止。)
  • 8、Discuss the amendment of "Articles ofincorporation".(修订本行“公司章程”部分条文。)
  • 9、In the long run, hard though it will be, onlyincorporation of the tribal areas into Pakistan proper offers a chance for moderation to prevail.(从长远来看,尽管困难重重,但只有将部落地区彻底并入巴基斯坦才有机会促使温和力量取胜。)
  • 10、Now you are master of your life or to say CEO of 'Me'incorporation.(现在,你是你生活的主人,或者说是'我'有限公司的CEO。)
  • 11、People interested in the above articleincorporation Is It Right For My Business?(“感兴趣的人以上文章”注册是它是否适合我的企业?)
  • 12、The “Swedish Fish” back in the early days of theincorporation of the Google was the first ever company snack.(“瑞典鱼”是google公司在早期时候的第一份公司零食。)
  • 13、The project structure allows configuration of users based on role and theincorporation of specific data sources for analysis.(项目结构允许基于角色的用户配置,并且可以将特定的数据源包含到分析中。)
  • 14、Therefore, you must take adequate care to ensure that theincorporation of the new technology doesn't affect the scalability of the application.(因此,必须谨慎确保整合新技术不会影响到应用程序的可伸缩性。)
  • 15、Signing a pre-incorporation contract is a universal phenomenon before the establishment of a corporation.(在公司成立之前,签署公司成立前合同是普遍现象。)
  • 16、The most recent news out of Linux is theincorporation of the KVM into the Linux kernel (2.6.20).(Linux传出的最新消息是将KVM合并到Linux内核中(2.6.20)。)
  • 17、Atthe same time, theincorporation of satellite-positioning technology intomobile phones and cars could open the floodgates.(同时,卫星定位技术的与移动电话和车辆的组合放松了限制。)
  • 18、A proof of concept is a must when estimating theincorporation of a new technology.(在对新技术整合进行估测时,进行概念证明(proofofconcept)是必需的。)
  • 19、Yes, I've applied to General Electric Chinaincorporation but that was just to get experience in being interviewed.(是的,我申请了通用电器(中国)有限公司,然而那不过是为了增加面试经验而已。)
  • 20、Of those respondents, 74 percent commented that theincorporation of the various technologies made their jobs easier.(74%的受访者表示将各种技术运用到工作中使得他们的工作变得容易多了。)
  • 21、Love is pure, There should be noincorporation of impurities such insurance.(爱情是纯洁的,不应该有保险这样的杂质掺入。)
  • 22、Any large organization really can benefit from theincorporation of some aspects of Agile Development.(所有的大企业确实可从集成的敏捷开发部分获得收益。) 【好工具】
  • 23、Notice my improvised use of owl: imports to formalize theincorporation of the SKOS concepts into the schema.(注意,我临时使用owl:imports规范化将SKOS概念合并到模式。)
  • 24、incorporation of historical and real-time data on vital signs into permanent medical records.(将实时生命体征与历史记录融合成永久性的医疗数据。)
  • 25、IBM, 100 years after itsincorporation, appears to be fairly well in control of its destiny.(IBM公司,其注册成立100年后,似乎其控制的命运还算不错。)
  • 26、Concern over the interests of consumers has also spawned much activism, as well asincorporation of consumer education into school curricula.(对消费者权益的关注不仅将消费者教育纳入了学校课程而且产生了大量的活动。)
  • 27、Once this is done,incorporation of service verification functionality into registry maintenance application is fairly straightforward.(一旦完成了这个工作,把验证服务的功能加入到注册中心维护程序就很直接了。)


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