


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:55:42

  • 1、We'll discuss the custombinder class at greater length later in this article.(稍后我们将用较大的篇幅来专门讨论自定义绑定器类。)
  • 2、Thebinder to realize this mapping is called test.sdo.SDODataGraphbinder.(实现映射的绑定名称test.sdo.SDODataGraphbinder。)
  • 3、binder is a man of rare wisdom — a testing sage.(binder是一位少有的天才人物——一个测试圣人。)
  • 4、You can make your own price book with a notebook or three ringbinder.(你可以用自己的笔记本或活页夹来做价格表。)
  • 5、The next line provides a URL that goes straight to thebinder.(下一行提供直接指向的活页夹的URL。)
  • 6、An hour and half ago it was nothing but a bunch of powder andbinder.(一个半小时前它还是一些粉末和粘合剂。)
  • 7、Will the contractor have to use a different grade of asphaltbinder?(承包商是否必须使用不同级别的粘合剂?)
  • 8、Figure 16. Settings for thebinder input.(图16.binder输入的设置。)
  • 9、Mary Ann, his wife, passed by with her bookkeepingbinder.(他的妻子玛丽安捧着出纳簿从边上走过。)
  • 10、Generating SQL using staticbinder utility.(使用静态绑定器实用工具生成sql。)
  • 11、Specify the XPLINKbinder option if binding in USS.(如果要在USS中进行绑定,那么必须指定XPLINK绑定器选项。)
  • 12、For a named type, thebinder does not have the knowledge of the referencing element.(对于命名类型,绑定不知道引用元素。)
  • 13、In your Web browser, navigate to abinder to view its contents.(在Web浏览器中,导航到活页夹以查看其内容。)
  • 14、This parameter serves as a reference for thebinder to create the final SOAPElement.(参数作为绑定的引用用来最终创建一个SOAPElement。)
  • 15、The effect of waterbinder ratio (W/C) was studied.(对水灰比的影响进行了研究。)
  • 16、"Our priority is the pets,"binder said.(“宠物是我们的头等大事,”宾得说。)
  • 17、Instead, get yourself a three-ringbinder, some loose-leaf paper and A-Z tabs.(改为你自己准备一个活页夹、一些活页纸和从a到z的标签。)
  • 18、binder: a WS.binder implementation that can serialize the parameter into XML.(binder:能够将参数序列化为XML的WS.binder实现。)
  • 19、As documents are added to thebinder, they are given a unique consecutive number.(文档添加到活页夹时,被分配一个惟一的连续号码。)
  • 20、binder options are specified in the -w 'l, options' flags of c89.(在c89的-W'L,options'标志中指定绑定选项。)
  • 21、Figure 4 displays an image of what the new icon looks like in abinder view.(图4显示了活页夹视图中新图标的图像。)
  • 22、Then we add to it abinder material that solidifies those powder particles together.(然后我们加入粘合剂使这些粉末粘合在一起。)
  • 23、Creating a custombinder and custom binding artifacts.(创建自定义绑定器和自定义绑定构件。)
  • 24、To invoke the staticbinder, you need to know the bind files in the application.(要调用静态绑定器,您需要知道应用程序中的绑定文件。)
  • 25、If you have large File Cabinets, you may want to create a view for eachbinder.(如果文件柜较大,则可以为每个活页夹创建一个视图。)
  • 26、Specify the option -w 'l, DLL' if calling thebinder in USS.(如果在USS中调用绑定器,需要指定选项-W'l,dll'。)
  • 27、The PureQuery staticbinder will use the pu. PDQXML file to create DB2 packages.(PureQuery静态绑定器将使用pu.pdqxml文件来创建db2包。)
  • 28、B: Sure. Just let me know what kind ofbinder you would like.(b:当然可以,只要告诉我你要哪种装订册就可以了。)
  • 29、A custombinder consists of two artifacts that you'll need to create.(一个自定义绑定器中包含两个您需要创建的构件。)
  • 30、Notice that thebinder is created as a Categorizedbinder.(注意,绑定是作为Categorizedbinder创建的。)


英 [ˈbaɪndə(r)] 美 [ˈbaɪndɚ] 


