
go in for

go in for造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 01:54:42

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的go in for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条go in for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了go in for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Besides, it is harmful to our health as we hardly have any time togo in for sports.(此外,它是我们的健康有害,因为我们几乎没有任何时间去在体育。)
  • 2、What kind of recreation do yougo in for?(你在文娱方面有什么爱好?)
  • 3、Do yougo in for sports everyday?(你每天都运动吗?)
  • 4、Why did hego in for colon polyp removal?(为什么他会在结肠息肉切除?)
  • 5、Robots aside, film director Shawn Levy doesn'tgo in for futurism.(除了机器人,该片导演肖恩·利维并未追求未来主义。)
  • 6、Those whogo in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure.(搞阴谋诡计的人注定要失败。)
  • 7、I didn'tgo in for poetry seriously, but now I'm beginning to take an interest in it.(我平昔对诗歌很少研究,现在开始感到一点兴趣了。)
  • 8、China will never seek hegemony and nevergo in for expansion.(中国永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。)
  • 9、I thought it was a long way to go for two people in their seventies, but Sylvia loved the idea.(我认为对于两个七十多岁的人来说这是一段很长的路,但是西尔维娅却喜欢这个主意。)
  • 10、Theygo in for tennis and bowling.(他们爱好打网球和保龄球。)
  • 11、People bow at temples and in honor of ancestors, for instance, but they don’tgo in for the bows of greeting and farewell that so often bedevil foreigners in Japan.(例如,人们在寺庙里鞠躬,祭祖时鞠躬,但在迎来送往中却没有这个礼节,不像在日本那样折腾外国人。)
  • 12、One finalist - identified as Anna - said: "I was told by my friends several times togo in for a beauty contest."(一位名叫安娜的决赛选手说道:“好几次我的朋友都要我去参加选美比赛。”)
  • 13、They live in town during the week and go to the country for the weekend.(他们从星期一到星期五住在城里,周末到乡下去。)
  • 14、You can motivate him togo in for sports together or shift focus on other interesting activities.(你可以激励和他一起去运动,转移注意力到其他有趣的活动中去。)
  • 15、If you have togo in for a procedure or operation yourself, things should go very well.(如果你不得不去办手续或者做手术,所有的事情都会非常好的。)
  • 16、She doesn'tgo in for team games.(她对团体比赛不感兴趣。)
  • 17、"We don't want to reduce hope," says Lu, "but it can be dashed if peoplego in for therapies that turn out to be ineffective."(“我们不想使人们失望,”卢光琇说,“但是如果人们接受了治疗却最终没有效果,那么结果就会让病人沮丧。”)
  • 18、Some of us like singing and dancing. Othersgo in for sports.(我们中有些人喜欢唱歌,跳舞。另外一些人爱好体育活动。)
  • 19、Therefore, I do not think we shouldgo in for complete skepticism, but for a doctrine of degrees of probability.(因而我绝不认为我们应当赞成彻底的怀疑主义,而是赞成可能性程度的学说。)
  • 20、Slugs, snails, and other bugs willgo in for a drink and never come out again!(鼻涕虫、蜗牛、还有一些其他的虫子会爬进去“享用”,然后就再也出不来了!)
  • 21、Igo in for stamp collecting and judo.(我爱好集邮和柔道。)
  • 22、We allgo in for winter sport.(我们都参加冬季运动。)
  • 23、Jonathan Taylor and Joseph Kalt of Harvard University have shown that the tribes thatgo in for gambling often began poor, even by Indian standards.(哈佛大学的约翰逊·泰勒和约瑟夫·卡特证实印地安部落之所以从事博彩业源自贫穷,即使按照印地安人的标准业算得上得贫穷。)
  • 24、He's going to be in a very difficult position if things go badly for him.(他处境将非常困难,如果情况变糟的话。)
  • 25、And then she will know about the fork, and she will ask about the fork, and because he will have no answers, she will want him togo in for tests.(然后她就知道叉子的事了,她会问,而他不知道怎么答,那么她肯定会考验他。)
  • 26、Togo in for technical innovation, one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.(搞技术革新就要有一股不怕困难的闯劲。)
  • 27、We don'tgo in for that sort of thing in the new society.(新社会不兴这一套了。)
  • 28、For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.(对于我们来说,研究与教学密切相关。)
go in for基本释义

go in for

英 [ɡəu in fɔ:] 美 [ɡo ɪn fɔr] 

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