


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:53:56

  • 1、Thesenate is several days from finishing its work because of the delaying tactics of a few members.(因为一些参议员的拖延战术,参议院离完工之日还有几天时间。)
  • 2、Undersenate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.(根据规定,参议院必须在本星期五以前投票表决此项议案。)
  • 3、A third of thesenate and the entire House are up for re-election.(1/3的参议员和全体众议员将重新选举。)
  • 4、The upper house is called thesenate which has 100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan.(上议院被称为参议院,拥有100个席位,平均分配给巴基斯坦的四个州。)
  • 5、When I landed, I went to see his wife, Sue; Chuck was an extraordinary man who had led our defense team in thesenate with skill and courage.(一下飞机,我就去看望他的妻子苏;查克是位杰出的男人,他以技巧和勇气领导了我们在参议院的辩护团。)
  • 6、All these proposed changes were part of a new border-security bill that passed the House of Representatives but died in thesenate last week.(受到提议的所有改变都是一项新的边境安全法案的一部分,该法案在众议院通过,但上周在参议院被否决。)
  • 7、The Romansenate, in the late part of the Republic started dividing itself into two sort of parties.(罗马元老院在共和国晚期开始分裂为两个派。) (好工具
  • 8、He hasn't decided whether to campaign for thesenate.(他尚未决定是否参加参议员的竞选。)
  • 9、Some members of the House andsenate worked all day yesterday.(昨天众议院和参议院的一些议员工作了一整天。)
  • 10、The president vetoed the bill, and thesenate failed by a single vote to override his veto.(总统否决了议案,而参议院因一票之差未能推翻他的否决。)
  • 11、The House andsenate are to begin soon hashing out an agreement for sanctions legislation.(参众两院很快将通过充分讨论就制裁立法达成一项协议。)
  • 12、Thesenate has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.(参议院现已同意了该议案,无法回头了。)
  • 13、The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in thesenate.(儿童保育款项将被附加到参议院正在制定的预算计划中。)
  • 14、They simply threatened to filibuster until thesenate adjourns.(他们坦言声称,为阻挠法案的通过,他们会一直发言直到参议院休会。)
  • 15、Thesenate should not be pressured into making hasty decisions.(参议院不应受压而做出草率的决定。)
  • 16、She became the first black woman to be elected to thesenate.(她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。)
  • 17、senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government.(参议院的雇员可以将他们对工作的不满向另一政府分支部门申诉。)
  • 18、Here are some of the important proposals in the House andsenate bills to try to address those problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.(以下是众议院和参议院法案中试图解决这些问题的一些重要建议,以及很难知道它们的效果会如何的原因。)
  • 19、Despite objections by the White House, thesenate voted today to cut off aid.(尽管白宫反对,参议院今天投票中断援助。)
  • 20、This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before thesenate Judiciary Committee.(这是第5天,也可能是最后一天在参议院司法委员会面前作证。)
  • 21、Thesenate is expected to pass the bill shortly.(预计参议院将很快通过这项议案。)


英 [ˈsenət] 美 [ˈsɛnɪt] 


