


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:46:08

  • 1、It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or thesapphire.(俄斐金,和贵重的红玛瑙,并蓝宝石,不足与较量。)
  • 2、One of my favorite competitions was the Bombaysapphire Designer Glass competition.(我最喜欢的一个比赛是孟买蓝宝石杯酒杯设计大赛。)
  • 3、Oh, I lovesapphire.(喔,我好爱蓝宝石。)
  • 4、Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was ofsapphire.(锡安的贵胄素来比雪纯净,比奶更白。他们的身体比红宝玉(或作珊瑚)更红,像光润的蓝宝石一样。)
  • 5、I lovesapphire.(我好爱蓝宝石。)
  • 6、A brooch fixed to the collar matched her diamond - studdedsapphire button earrings.(领口一只别针,与碎钻镶蓝宝石的‘纽扣’耳环成套。)
  • 7、A gallium nitride LED onsapphire has a typical internal quantum efficiency of around 70%.(基于蓝宝石的氮化镓发光二极管的一般内量子效率约为70%。)
  • 8、Poison dart frogs, like thissapphire-blue species, are highly toxic.(像这种蓝宝石颜色的毒箭蛙,有剧毒。)
  • 9、There are five options for the gemstone: blue topaz, opalite, onyx,sapphire and ruby.(有五种宝石供选择,分别是蓝色托帕石、不纯蛋白石、缟玛瑙、蓝宝石和红宝石。)
  • 10、So it was fitting (and poignant) when Wills proposed to Kate with his mom's 18-caratsapphire-and-diamond engagement ring.(当威廉王子提议将他母亲的18克拉的蓝宝石钻戒作为订婚戒指送给凯特时,这就是非常适合的(和深刻的)。)
  • 11、In autumn, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash ofsapphire.(秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。)
  • 12、He proposed on their third date, and presented Heidi with asapphire and diamond engagement ring.(第三次约会的时候,他向他求婚了,送了Heidi一颗蓝宝石的求婚戒指。)
  • 13、sapphire Energy seems one of the best-positioned companies to do that.(蓝宝石能源公司算是同类公司中处境最好的了。)
  • 14、This ingenious mechanism serves to activate the functions simply by pressing thesapphire watch crystal.(只需简单按下手表上的深蓝水晶石,这个精细的机械装置就开始激活功能。)
  • 15、Away from the lake'ssapphire-hued waters, the land appears as a combination of gray, brown, and green.(湖水的颜色如蓝宝石一般,除此之外,陆地看上去则混杂了灰色、棕色和绿色。)
  • 16、Prince William presented Middleton with his mother's bluesapphire and diamond engagement ring.(威廉王子给米德尔顿的订婚礼物是一只钻石戒指和他母亲的蓝色萨菲尔钻石。)
  • 17、If the mineral has a blue color it's known as asapphire.(如果矿物是蓝色的,那就是蓝宝石。)
  • 18、Unique ring designed by Frida Jeppsson for the Bombaysapphire Designer Glass Awards.(弗里达杰普逊为了蓝宝石玻璃杯设计奖特制的戒指。)
  • 19、One can buy a "realsapphire" for US$10, but it would be considered not much better than junk to a jeweler.(虽然你可以用10美金买到一颗“真的蓝宝石”,但对珠宝商而言那颗蓝宝石比垃圾好不了多少。)
  • 20、It is made ofsapphire.(这个是蓝宝石做的。)
  • 21、The sky issapphire and the stars are diamonds.(天空是蓝宝石,星星是钻石。)
  • 22、And saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made ofsapphire, clear as the sky itself.(他们看见以色列的上帝,他脚下彷佛有平铺的蓝宝石,如同天色明净。)
  • 23、The company claims thesapphire blades will stay sharp for about a year and offer complimentary cleaning and re-sharpening for an entire decade.(该公司声称蓝宝石的刀锋能保持锋利一年左右,之后将在十年内提供免费清洗与打磨。) 【好工具】
  • 24、William even proposed with the 18-carat diamond andsapphire ring that had belonged to his mother.(威廉王子甚至带着属于他母亲的18克拉钻戒向她求婚。)
  • 25、Sunlight is so strongly put into asapphire sea.(太阳光还是那么强烈,把大海变成了蓝宝石。)
  • 26、She had thesapphire set in a gold ring.(她请人把蓝宝石镶嵌到一枚金戒指上。)


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