


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:55:08

  • 1、Take the experience of one midsized textile manufacturer, representative of manysodden local businesses.(就其中一家中型纺织厂的经历能代表许多泡在水里的当地商业。)
  • 2、He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.(他塑造了一个喝威士忌喝得烂醉的天主教神父。)
  • 3、He lay back with his eyes shut, stillsodden in the atmosphere of the dream.(他闭上眼睛躺着,仍浸沉在梦境中的气氛里。) 【好工具】
  • 4、We hung up our rain-sodden coats in the porch.(我们把被雨淋透的外衣挂在门厅里。)
  • 5、But the tour of threesodden Punjabi districts highlighted huge worries.(但是到旁遮普三个洪水泛滥的地区慰问却突出了巨大的焦虑。)
  • 6、But he felt warm inside himself. He did not shudder at all, though his clothes weresodden on him.(但在内心里却是温暖的,他不再颤抖了,尽管他的衣服湿透了。)
  • 7、My brother's nickname is asodden sheep.(我弟弟的绰号就叫落汤鸡。)
  • 8、His grey jersey and trousers weresodden with the rain.(他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。)
  • 9、Hissodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched.(他湿透的裤子紧贴小腿,鞋子吧唧作响。)
  • 10、In the sixth section, down below, he speaks of "man's blood-sodden heart."(在第六节里,下面,他提到人类鲜血浸透的心。)
  • 11、They were always out working in the rain, and as I rode by,sodden myself, they always waved.(我经过的时候总是看到他们在雨中劳作,雨点打湿我的衣襟,他们远远的向我挥手致意。)
  • 12、It was in Burma, asodden morning of the rains.(那是在缅甸,一个泡在雨水中的清晨。)
  • 13、His clothes weresodden with rain.(他的衣服被雨水淋得湿透了。)
  • 14、Alan Smith capped a great evening by completing another 90 minutes on a rain-sodden night at Ewen Fields.(阿兰·史密斯又一次打满90分钟,艾文球场这个晚上一直是湿淋淋的。)
  • 15、We stripped off oursodden clothes.(我们脱掉了湿透的衣服。)
  • 16、Tarring all with the mistakes of overheated Latvia, chaotic Ukraine or debt-sodden Hungary makes no sense.(将所有过错都归咎于经济过热的拉脱维亚,混乱的乌克兰和不勘债务重负的匈牙利是不明智之举。)
  • 17、The ground wassodden after the rain.(雨后地上都是烂泥。)
  • 18、At roughly four in the morning on Tuesday, thesodden cliffside crashed down onto the town, burying residents as they slept.(星期二造成大概4点的时候,侵透了雨水的山体截面顺势而下冲击整个城镇,掩埋了还在熟睡的居民。)
  • 19、The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.(搬运工把我们那些被雨水浸透的脏兮兮的行李放上了手推车。)
  • 20、The island will liesodden with the tears of the night-time, and everyone will be encouraged to try to do everything.(岛屿会浸透着夜间的泪水,每个人都被鼓励去尝试做任何事。)
  • 21、Thesodden eye had kept something of the loveliness of their blue .(呆滞的眼睛依稀剩有一点悦目的蓝色。)
  • 22、Two red sparks flashed for a moment in the woman'ssodden eyes, then flickered out and left them dull and glazed .(有一刹那,女人呆板的双眼里闪动着两点红的火星,但是随后就熄灭了,眼睛又变得呆滞迟钝起来。)
  • 23、Now is not the time to post pics from a beer-sodden barbecue and share them with everyone in your network.(此刻可不是将你在烧烤野餐上喝醉的样子边幅上传到网上,与自己收集里的悉数人分享的时辰。)
  • 24、In the 18th century drinking claret helped the rich to distinguish themselves from England's port-sodden squirearchy.(18世纪,喝波尔多红酒使有钱人得以将自己和英国那些终日饱饮波特酒的乡绅阶层区别开来。)
  • 25、Police in India spray unruly crowds with coloured water: stained andsodden agitators are easier to identify.(印度警方用彩色的水喷洒不羁的人群,被染色和淋湿的煽动者更容易识别。)
  • 26、Generally speaking, each time you peel thesodden film that moment, basically see some effects!(一般来说,当你每次揭下湿淋淋的保鲜膜那一刻,基本上就会见到一些成效了!)


英 [ˈsɒdn] 美 [ˈsɑ:dn] 

副词: soddenly 名词: soddenness 过去式: soddened 过去分词: soddened 现在分词: soddening 第三人称单数: soddens


