


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:53:03

  • 1、Couriers are rated by customers based onpoliteness, presentation, and helpfulness.(快递员由客户根据其在礼貌程度、递交过程和乐于助人这三方面的表现进行评分。)
  • 2、The woman'spoliteness hides her disbelief.(那个女人礼貌的隐藏了她的怀疑。)
  • 3、Her veneer ofpoliteness began to crack.(她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。)
  • 4、All are valid claims and makepoliteness policies all the more important.(这些都是有效的权利声明,因此使得礼貌原则变得更加重要。)
  • 5、In Arab countries, thepoliteness and generosity of the people is without parallel.(在阿拉伯国家,人们的礼貌和慷慨是无与伦比的。)
  • 6、She welcomed her unexpected visitor with irreproachablepoliteness.(她以无可指摘的礼仪接待了不速之客。)
  • 7、Roadpoliteness is not only good manners, but good sense too.(道路礼貌不仅是一种礼貌问题,而且还是一种良好的意识。)
  • 8、Because of hispoliteness, his strange accent was acceptable.(因为他的礼貌,他那奇怪的口音也就是可接受的了。)
  • 9、Set a good example. It's unfair to expectpoliteness of a child if his parents are not polite themselves.(树立一个良好的榜样。如果父母自己都不礼貌,期望孩子懂礼貌是不公平的。)
  • 10、Respect andpoliteness are things they should learn at home.(尊敬和礼貌是他们应该在家里就学会的东西。)
  • 11、politeness requires that you quickly close the door and say, "Pardon, Madame!"(礼貌要求你快速地关上门并且说,“对不起,女士!”)
  • 12、Li: But forpoliteness, there is a different criterion in China.(李:但礼貌的标准在中国是不同的。)
  • 13、Many Eastern Asians prefer to hold their emotions in check and instead express themselves with greatpoliteness.(许多东亚人更喜欢控制自己的情绪,以非常礼貌的方式表达自己。)
  • 14、People often ask about health out ofpoliteness.(人们常常出于礼貌问候健康。)
  • 15、This is a household in whichpoliteness, effort and frugality are valued (certainly above grammar!)(这户人家推崇的是彬彬有礼、效率和节俭(当然是高出语法层次上的!))
  • 16、Chinese traditionally uphold the virtues of modesty, generosity , broadmindedness, andpoliteness.(中国自古推崇谦逊、宽宏、心胸开阔和以礼待人的美德。)
  • 17、Hispoliteness was only on the surface.(他只是表面上客气。)
  • 18、Mrs Bennet, flattered to have such an important visitor, received her with greatpoliteness.(班纳特太太因为来了这样重要的客人而受宠若惊,赶紧非常客气地接待她。)
  • 19、Unlike, say, Japanese, English has no special verb forms forpoliteness, humility and respect.(与日语的表达方式不同,英语没有用于表达礼貌、谦逊和尊重的特别动词形式。)
  • 20、There are four main possibilities, given in ascending order ofpoliteness.(主要是四种,下面按照礼貌程度顺序分别介绍。)
  • 21、Depending on who you are speaking to yourpoliteness level will be very different.(取决于对谁说话,你的礼仪将会非常不同。)
  • 22、"You have been wonderfully quick," her father retorted, with a vindictivepoliteness that was quite thrown away upon her.(“你真是快得出奇。”她父亲接话,带着一种暗含怒气的礼貌。)
  • 23、Perhaps as a typical man, I had never looked at a baby before, except out ofpoliteness.(或许我是一个典型的男人,所以原来从没认真看过小孩,要看也是出自礼貌。)
  • 24、politeness goes a long way in an error message.(在一条错误消息中,礼貌大有帮助。)
  • 25、In Persian culture there is a term forpoliteness: ta 'arof.(在波斯文化中,有个关于礼貌的词:ta'arof客套。)
  • 26、I thought my extremepoliteness might work magic on her, but it didn't.(我以为我极端的客气也许会对她产生魔力,可惜并不如此。)


英 [pə'laɪtnəs] 美 [pəˈlaɪtnɪs] 

