


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:57:57

  • 1、There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions werehastily taken.(浪费很大,又仓促地作了许多错误决定。)
  • 2、"I will denounce him!" exclaimed the young manhastily.(“我去告发他!”青年连忙喊道。)
  • 3、"Yes," said Alice, "I've often seen them at dinn—" She checked herselfhastily.(“是的,”爱丽丝说,“我在饭桌上常常看见他们。”她急忙不说了。)
  • 4、Diners wouldhastily turn to the more appetising part of the menu.(食客们急忙转向菜单更令人馋涎欲滴的部分。)
  • 5、You shouldn't come to such a decisionhastily .(你不应该匆匆忙忙地作出这么一个决定。)
  • 6、Shehastily obeyed, and Jondrette was left alone.(她连忙服从。容德雷特独自留下。)
  • 7、James got to his feet and started to come over, but the girlshastily backed away.(詹姆斯站起身,开始走过来,而女孩子们却慌忙后退。)
  • 8、Perhaps I spoke toohastily.(或许我说话太急了些。)
  • 9、Garyhastily pushed the drawer back into place.(加里匆忙把抽屉推回去。)
  • 10、The council washastily convened after his father said he was resigning.(在他父亲宣布他将辞职后,理事会被匆忙召集起来。)
  • 11、I am not talking about the quality of care, and let mehastily add.(我不是在讲护理的质量,并允许我仓促补充几句。)
  • 12、Fighting panic, shehastily stepped out of the tub.(经过一阵恐慌,她匆忙地步出浴室。)
  • 13、His face lighted with a happy solution of his thought; he put the barkhastily in his pocket.(他想到了一个愉快的解决办法,面露喜色。他赶紧把树皮放进口袋。)
  • 14、"She can't explain it," said the Gryphonhastily.(“她解释不了。”鹰头怪急忙说。)
  • 15、"Yes, he is our first printer," replied the clerical gentlemanhastily.(“是的,他是我们这儿的印刷始祖。”办事员先生赶紧回答。)
  • 16、Shehastily cooked up an excuse.(她匆忙捏造了一个借口。)
  • 17、The King turned pale, and shut his note-bookhastily.(国王脸色变得苍白,急忙合上他的笔记本。)
  • 18、Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside toohastily.(或许你不该太草率地对那个想法置之不理。)
  • 19、The Governmenthastily organized defensive measures, deploying searchlights and antiaircraft guns around the target cities.(政府匆忙组织了防御措施,在目标城市周围部署了探照灯和高射炮。)
  • 20、He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate ithastily.(他拿出厚厚的一块奶酪,切下一片急匆匆地吃了。)
  • 21、hastily, she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.(女孩一个鲤鱼打挺跳下床,一溜小跑到浴室。)
  • 22、"Hide her," they whispered, and gatheredhastily around Wendy.(“把她藏起来。”他们低声说,急忙围到温迪身边。)
  • 23、Our practice is to avoidhastily deleting elements from the model.(我们的实践是为了避免草率地从模型中删除元素。)
  • 24、I don't want it now; 'he mutteredhastily;' I'll wait till supper.(“现在我不要,”他急忙喃喃地说。)
  • 25、I decided that nothing should be donehastily, that things had to be sorted out carefully.(我决定不草率的采取任何行动,先得认真地理清头绪。)
  • 26、hastily, I barely finished it on time.(匆匆忙忙,终于在规定的时间里,刚好勉勉强强完成。)
  • 27、She recoiledhastily at seeing a snake in the path.(她见到小路上有一条蛇就赶紧往后退。)
  • 28、The child washastily dispatched out to school.(这孩子被匆忙打发到学校去了。)
  • 29、Shehastily changed the subject.(她匆匆换了个话题。)


英 ['heɪstɪlɪ] 美 [ˈhestɪlɪ] 

