


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:59:50

  • 1、Seventeen days later, the miners’ friends and families wereoverjoyed to learn that the men had survived.(17天后,被困矿工的亲友兴奋地了解到矿工们仍然生还。)
  • 2、Srikantha Babu was convinced that my father would beoverjoyed at such a perfect gem of a devotional poem.(斯里干达先生确信我父亲一定会非常高兴看到这首完美的虔诚的颂歌。)
  • 3、Heidi was sooverjoyed at these words that she danced around the room shouting: "We'll do it tomorrow!"(小海蒂听了这些话非常高兴,她在房间里又蹦又跳,喊着:“我们明天去做!”)
  • 4、He took one look at his daughter and wasoverjoyed to see her. He said, 'That's my Jayney'.(看到女儿,他喜出望外,说‘这是我的Jayney’。)
  • 5、When they saw the star, they wereoverjoyed.(他们看见那星,就大大的欢喜。)
  • 6、She wasoverjoyed at the birth of her daughter.(女儿的出生使她高兴不已。)
  • 7、Going to his daughter's room after his arrival, he wasoverjoyed to see her as well as ever.(他一到家就到他女儿的房间去,见到她一如既往地高兴。)
  • 8、She wasoverjoyed that her article had been published.(她的文章发表了,这使她高兴极了。)
  • 9、I am notoverjoyed about this.(对此我并不感到特别的兴奋。)
  • 10、The German champion wasoverjoyed with his sensational win.(德国冠军对这次激动人心的胜利欣喜若狂。)
  • 11、When we left the boutique, she was all smiles,overjoyed with the fancy shopping bag in her hand.(当我们离开这家高档女装店时,她手上提着精致的购物袋,心里乐开了花儿。)
  • 12、I really feltoverjoyed and thrilled.(我真的感到非常高兴和激动。)
  • 13、On Oct. 27, 2006, when her first son was born, Nesi wasoverjoyed.(2006年10月27日,内西的第一个儿子出生了,她喜出望外。)
  • 14、Shelley wasoverjoyed to see me.(谢莉看见我高兴极了。)
  • 15、We wereoverjoyed to hear their good news.(听到他们的好消息,我们都大喜过望。)
  • 16、I'moverjoyed! "is likely to make an interviewer wonder whether you're trying to fool him.".. Or yourself.(会使得面试官觉得你是不是在愚弄他或者你自己。)
  • 17、I wasoverjoyed that I had gained a few pounds since last week!(我为我一周以来又长了几磅体重而喜出望外。)
  • 18、He wasoverjoyed at my success.(我的成功使他欣喜若狂。)
  • 19、I wasoverjoyed so that I forgot the appointment.(我喜出望外以致于忘记了约定。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、Anoverjoyed Zhao said: "it's been so many years, to finally get this gold is so exciting."(兴奋的赵宏博说:“这么多年,终于拿到了这块金牌,我非常高兴。”)
  • 21、She was not exactlyoverjoyed at the prospect of looking after her niece.(想到要照料她的侄女,她就高兴不起来了。)
  • 22、I'moverjoyed to be here and also about how my debut went.(我为成为蓝黑军团的一员而高兴,也为我的首演表现而高兴。)
  • 23、Of course, not everyone would beoverjoyed.(当然,也不是人人都会狂喜。)
  • 24、Everybody in the room wasoverjoyed.(一屋子的人都欢腾起来。)
  • 25、Having heard of this, Zhou Yu wasoverjoyed. "this man will bring me success again," he said.(周瑜听得干又到,大喜曰:“吾之成功,只在此人身上!”。)
  • 26、Mark is relieved andoverjoyed because chance has given him an excuse to talk to her.(马克真是开心死了,因为他总算找到了一个能够和她聊上天的机会。)
  • 27、Ashputtel brought the dish to her mother,overjoyed at the thought that now she should go to the ball.(灰姑娘把盘子拿给她的母亲,想到她现在应该去参加舞会,她非常高兴。)
  • 28、Earlier, relatives said they were "overjoyed" at the pair's release.(早些时候,两名记者的亲属们说,他们对两人的释放“喜出望外”。)
  • 29、Leonardo wasoverjoyed with his debut win as Inter coach after his side beat Napoli 3-1 at the Giuseppe Meazza.(国际米兰vs那不勒斯首战告捷,莱昂纳多喜出望外,他首演后赢击败国际米兰主教练在梅阿查3-1那不勒斯他的身边。)


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