


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:49:20

  • 1、Here is a summary of the announcements that were made during thekeynote.(下面这个列表是在主题演讲过程中我们宣布的几个新产品发布信息。)
  • 2、Take thiskeynote Benioff delivered in June.(就拿贝尼奥夫六月份发表的一次主旨演讲来说吧。)
  • 3、On Tuesday 23 May thekeynote speaker will be His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.(5月23日星期二的主旨发言人是威尔士亲王殿下。)
  • 4、I did akeynote talk and the next day I did a three and a half hour workshop.(我做了主题讲话,次日参加了一次三个半小时的研讨会。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、His concludingkeynote speech was the highlight of the conference, in my opinion.(依我来看,她结束时的主要讲话是研讨会的重点。)
  • 6、Thekeynote speeches kicked off at the Expo this afternoon.(今天下午主题演讲拉开了博览会的序幕。)
  • 7、She picked up the gauntlet in her incisivekeynote address to the conference.(她在其尖锐的大会主题发言中接受挑战。)
  • 8、A speech in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, was touted as thekeynote of his seven-country tour.(布什在阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比的演说被宣称为是他此次七国之行的基调。)
  • 9、Microsoft is expected to push Windows tablets starting with Steve Ballmer'skeynote address tomorrow.(微软预计将推出Windows平板电脑,这也是史蒂夫·鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)明天演讲的主题。)
  • 10、Every year, we intentionally invite one Western and one Japanesekeynote speakers.(每年,我们都会有意邀请一位西方和一位日本主题演讲人。)
  • 11、I knew thekeynote was being recorded and I had that in my head as I was talking on the stage.(我知道我讲话的同时正在录音,而且在台上时始终注意着这一点。)
  • 12、Thekeynote of his speech was unity.(他讲话的基调是团结。)
  • 13、He is scheduled to deliver akeynote speech at the opening session of the Copenhagen summit.(他计划在哥本哈根峰会开幕式上发表专题演讲。)
  • 14、Thekeynote address will be delivered this year by Professor Courtney Lyder.(今年的主题演讲将由考特尼·利德尔教授主讲。)
  • 15、The finalkeynote was given by Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin on The art of saying no.(最后的主旨演讲来自于Bob大叔Martin——《拒绝的艺术》。)
  • 16、After Uncle Bob'skeynote last year, the software craftsmanship movement started to pick up some speed.(继bob大叔去年的主题演讲以后,软件工艺运动开始蓬勃发展。)
  • 17、Notably, Facebook presented akeynote and details information about their use of Hive for analytics.(值得注意的是,Facebook的主题演讲展示了他们使用Hive来作分析的详细信息。)
  • 18、Today thekeynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.(如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅。)
  • 19、Instead, Ellison delivered a OpenWorldkeynote that many found to be rambling.(相反,埃里森发表了一篇在许多人看来有点漫无边际的主旨演讲。)
  • 20、For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together forkeynote speeches or presentations, and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions.(例如,你可能需要一间大房间,在那里每个人都能聚在一起做主题演讲或演示,而较小的会议室则可以进行非正式的小组讨论。)
  • 21、At this event we also had akeynote.(在这次会议中,我们也有一个会议主旨。)
  • 22、The country's top international relations school has hosted him as akeynote speaker.(俄国国际关系领域的最高级学府让他做专题发言人。)
  • 23、I'm doing akeynote presentation today at the Geo Loco Conference in San Francisco.(我今天正要去旧金山的GeoLoco大会上做一个主题演讲。)
  • 24、At yesterday'skeynote Microsoft was proudly displaying their first platform preview of ie 10.(微软在近日的演讲中,自豪地展示了IE10的首个平台预览版。)


英 [ˈki:nəʊt] 美 [ˈki:noʊt] 

过去式: keynoted 过去分词: keynoted 现在分词: keynoting 第三人称单数: keynotes


