


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:46:32

  • 1、The key personality traits of a Libra include charm, grace,diplomacy and intelligence.(天秤座最突出的个性包括:有魅力、优雅、善于交际和理解力强。)
  • 2、UN mediators are conducting shuttlediplomacy between the two sides.(联合国调解员们在双方之间进行着穿梭外交。)
  • 3、diplomacy is better than war.(采取外交手段胜于诉诸战争。)
  • 4、The veto has been a traditional instrument ofdiplomacy for centuries.(数世纪以来,否决已经成为一种传统的外交手段。)
  • 5、He knew how to win by craft anddiplomacy what he could not gain by force.(他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。)
  • 6、Our business dealings, as well as the nation'sdiplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.(我们的商务往来和国事外交都是通过翻译进行的。)
  • 7、diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.(他的外交能力是天生的:他的祖上曾是封建王侯。)
  • 8、At times, it must be coupled with painstakingdiplomacy.(有时还必须辅以艰苦的外交努力。)
  • 9、Israel showed little urgency Wednesday in its publicdiplomacy, despite growing international pressure to end the conflict.(周三的时候,以色列方面在其公共关系上仍然显得从容不迫——尽管国际社会要求其结束冲突的压力越来越大。)
  • 10、Castine soon became a force in colonial trade anddiplomacy.(卡斯丁很快成为殖民贸易和外交的力量。)
  • 11、Being a conductor, Mr Jarre liked to say, was 50% talent and 50%diplomacy.(贾尔先生喜欢说:做指挥,需要50%的天才和50%的手腕。)
  • 12、We were having an important discussion aboutdiplomacy and the next thing I know, you're talking about that diplomatic courier in the dingy suit over there.(我们正在进行一个关于外交的重要讨论,接下来我知道的是,你正在谈论那边那个穿着肮脏衣服的外交信使。)
  • 13、Ping pongdiplomacy played an important role in the history of U.S.-China relations.(乒乓外交在美中关系史中发挥了重要作用。)
  • 14、No need fordiplomacy, it really is very good.(这儿不用外交辞令,是真的很好听。)
  • 15、Among the commission's 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures fromdiplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism.(在该委员会的51名成员中,有顶尖大学校长、学者、律师、法官和企业高管,也有来自外交、电影、音乐和新闻领域的杰出人物。)
  • 16、diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success.(良好的交际会铺平你的成功之路。)
  • 17、China has actively participated in multilateraldiplomacy, while taking on corresponding international duties.(我国积极参与多边事务,承担相应国际义务。)
  • 18、Merkel said under the current circumstances it is very important to solve the Iran nuclear issue viadiplomacy.(默克尔说,在当前形势下,通过外交途径解决伊朗核问题至关重要。)
  • 19、His sudden plunge into the field of internationaldiplomacy is a major surprise.(他突然进入了国际外交领域,让人十分意外。)
  • 20、Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pongdiplomacy.(国务卿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词。)
  • 21、He stormed off in a fury, and it took all Minnelli's powers ofdiplomacy to get him to return.(他愤然离去,明内利使尽一切交际手腕才让他回来。)
  • 22、Finally he swung into the pyrotechnics of his "shuttlediplomacy" to bring Israel and its Arab enemies together at Geneva.(最后,他又精力充沛地开始展示其“穿梭外交”之绚烂,在日内瓦将以色列及其阿拉伯敌国拉到了一起。)


英 [dɪˈpləʊməsi] 美 [dɪˈploʊməsi] 

