


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:49:27

  • 1、He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxuryvilla.(他住在一幢僻静的、有5间卧室的豪华别墅里。)
  • 2、He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at theirvilla.(他邀请我的家人到他们家别墅和他的家人共渡周末。)
  • 3、Hadrian'svilla in Tivoli, Italy.(位于意大利蒂沃莉的哈德良别墅。)
  • 4、Thevilla sleeps 10.(这幢别墅可供10人住宿。)
  • 5、M: That's nice. Where is hisvilla?(M:那很好啊,他的别墅在哪里?)
  • 6、He went through the garden to thevilla and ordered Pitcher to prepare for his return to England.(他穿过花园来到别墅,命令皮彻收拾行李,准备返回英国。)
  • 7、He laments that people invilla El Salvador are suspicious of the police.(他感到遗憾的是埃尔萨尔瓦多城的人们不信任警察。)
  • 8、My dream is to retire to avilla in France.(我的梦想是退休后在法国住上一栋别墅。)
  • 9、They drove through a tall iron gate and stopped before a large whitevilla.(他们开车穿过一扇高高的铁门,然后停在了一幢白色大别墅前。)
  • 10、Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in thevilla.(包括约翰逊一家在内,别墅里总共有我们12个人。)
  • 11、Panchovilla in Mexico and Salvatore Giuliano in Italy began their careers harshly victimized.(墨西哥的潘乔·维拉和意大利的塞尔瓦托·朱利亚诺的职业生涯一开始就受到严重伤害。)
  • 12、W: It's not hisvilla, but his father's.(W:那不是他的别墅,是他父亲的。)
  • 13、The row broke after the girl uploaded pictures of what she claimed were her Maserati and Lamborghini cars, expensive handbags and palatialvilla.(这名女孩在网上上传了自己的玛莎拉蒂、兰博基尼豪车、名贵包包和奢华别墅照片,争吵开始了。)
  • 14、He has two big houses in this country, not to mention hisvilla in France.(他在这个国家有两座大房子,更别提他在法国的别墅了。)
  • 15、'villa' was something of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse.(“别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。)
  • 16、He owned avilla on the river side.(他有一座河畔别墅。)
  • 17、Back home, in thevilla, the servants must still be busy clearing away the things.(回到家,别墅里,佣人们一定还在忙着收拾东西。)
  • 18、Thevilla is cleaned twice a week.(这栋别墅一周打扫两次。)
  • 19、Today the hotel has 33 bedrooms divided between the mainvilla and a terracotta-walled traditional trattoria.(今天,这座酒店拥有33间房间,散落在主别墅和一家有着赤褐色墙壁的传统饮食店之间。)
  • 20、The next day we drove 33 miles to Siena (thevilla Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there).(第二天我们驱车33英里到了锡耶纳(在那儿,阿尔切诺别墅是个很不错的落脚之处)。)
  • 21、The discussion took place in a famousvilla on the lake's shore.(讨论在湖滨一座著名别墅举行。)
  • 22、He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenchedvilla in the South of France.(他坐在他位于法国南部的撒满阳光的别墅阳台上。)
  • 23、They had to sell their furniture, their horses and their summervilla.(他们不得不卖掉他们的家具,马和夏季别墅。)
  • 24、We rented a holidayvilla in Spain.(我们在西班牙租了一座假日别墅。)
  • 25、I had the result, so he headed off to avilla in the mountains, Christmastime 1925.(我得出结果了,所以在1925年圣诞前后,他前往山上的住宅。)
  • 26、In Vanuatu, you'll find the world's only underwater post office in the capital, Portvilla.(在瓦努阿图,你会在首都维拉港发现世界上唯一的水下邮局。)
  • 27、Apart from their house in London, they also have avilla in Spain.(他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。)
  • 28、After lunch, they drove to their summervilla, in order to make arrangements there for winter, and I went with them.(吃过午饭后,他们驾车去他们的夏季别墅,为去那儿过冬做安排,我跟他们一起去了。)
  • 29、Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modernvilla.(在丈夫去世之前她就已经在一所现代的别墅里安顿了下来。)
  • 30、They bought avilla in the South of France.(他们在法国南部买了一座别墅。)


英 [ˈvɪlə] 美 [ˈvɪlə] 


