


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:56:31

  • 1、Even when I'minconsistent, God is consistent.(即使当我自相矛盾时,上帝始终坚定。)
  • 2、It may demonstrateinconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice.(它表现出的遣词造句方面的能力可能不稳定。)
  • 3、If participation isinconsistent with the culture, however, goals should be assigned.(然而,如果这种参与活动与组织文化不一致,那么就应该指定好目标。)
  • 4、The two charges wereinconsistent.(两项指控本身就自相矛盾。)
  • 5、Furthermore, the structure of most female cycad cones seemsinconsistent with direct pollination by wind.(此外,大部分雌苏铁球果的结构似乎与风直接授粉不一致。)
  • 6、But it is in there in a veryinconsistent way.(但是这里是一个很不一致的方式。)
  • 7、The evidence given in court wasinconsistent with what he had previously told them.(他在法庭上的证词与他当初告诉他们的不一致。)
  • 8、The agency, BEA, said the plane receivedinconsistent airspeed readings from different instruments as it struggled in a huge thunderstorm.(该机构(BEA)表示在同雷暴搏斗的过程中,飞机上各仪表上得出的航速读数不一致。)
  • 9、Children find it difficult if a parent isinconsistent.(如果做父母的不始终如一,孩子会觉得无所适从。)
  • 10、We had a terrific start to the season, but recently we've beeninconsistent.(我们在本赛季的开头极好,但最近时好时坏。)
  • 11、Conscience granted a truce, and these curiouslyinconsistent pirates fell peacefully to sleep.(良心同意了休战,这些奇怪的、前后矛盾的海盗们平静地睡着了。)
  • 12、A lot of you grew up withinconsistent love.(很多人是在断断续续的爱中成长的。)
  • 13、The witnesses' statements wereinconsistent.(各证人的证词相互抵触。)
  • 14、As with many gender gaps, differences in emotionality tend to be small,inconsistent, and dependent on the situation.(与许多性别差异一样,情感上的差异往往微小、不一致,而且取决于具体情况。)
  • 15、This legislation isinconsistent with what they call Free Trade.(这项法规与他们所称的自由贸易是相矛盾的。)
  • 16、The style isinconsistent.(体例前后不一致。)
  • 17、Accordingly, high achievers should not be put into jobs that areinconsistent with their needs.(因此,高成就者不应该从事与他们的需求不一致的工作。)
  • 18、And another is by removinginconsistent terms.(另一种是去除不一致的术语。)
  • 19、Consistent stories happen;inconsistent ones do not.(一致的故事发生了,不一致的那些没有。)
  • 20、On the other hand, rejection occurs when others treat you in a manner that ininconsistent with your self-definition.(另一方面,当别人对待你的方式与你的自我定义不一致时,你就会被拒绝。)
  • 21、It was so intuitive, so sensible that the Earth was the center of the universe that astronomers found ways to explain those seeminglyinconsistent phenomena within the geocentric view.(天文学家们认为,“地球是宇宙的中心”这种说法是非常直观、合情合理的,以至于当他们发现与地心论不符的现象时,也会想办法找理由去解释。)
  • 22、Previous studies have producedinconsistent results.(先前的研究已经产生了不一致的结果。)
  • 23、Farmers in South Africa are more at the mercy of nature, especiallyinconsistent rainfall.(南非的农民更容易受到大自然的摆布,尤其是不稳定的降雨。)
  • 24、You areinconsistent and unpredictable.(你反复无常,让人捉摸不透。)
  • 25、The report isinconsistent with the financial statements.(这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。)
  • 26、Her behaviour was clearlyinconsistent with her beliefs.(她的行为显然违背了她的信仰。)
  • 27、Since the Copernican theory of planetary motion isinconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo's observations of Jupiter's satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.(由于哥白尼的行星运动理论与托勒密的解释不一致,伽利略对木星卫星的观察证明了哥白尼理论的正确性。)
  • 28、This leadsinconsistent storage in each node.(这导致每个节点中的存储不一致。)
  • 29、Okay that's what aninconsistent term is.(这是个不一致的术语。)


英 [ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt] 美 [ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt] 

副词: inconsistently

