


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:58:30

  • 1、Highly directional, it USES low power and is encrypted forcovert full-spectrum contingency operations.(它具有高度定向能力,功耗低,采用加密技术适合秘密全频谱应急行动。)
  • 2、But Bush was also putting a new emphasis oncovert operations, which has raised fresh concerns about civil liberties.(但布什同时重新强调秘密行动,这引起了公民自由权利的新的关注。)
  • 3、Wingcovert feather, flight, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg.(翅膀隐羽,飞行用,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆。)
  • 4、Tailcovert, display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg.(尾部覆羽,展示用,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆。)
  • 5、covert cross-border trade also helped alleviate some misery.(秘密的边境贸易也帮助减少了一些不幸。)
  • 6、They have been supplyingcovert military aid to the rebels.(他们一直在为叛军提供隐秘的军事援助。)
  • 7、On the battlefield of war certain changes in reality could be predicted - from seasonal opportunities tocovert advantages.(战场上的某些变化-从季节因素到潜在优势-实际上是能够被预测的。)
  • 8、Markcovert doesn't have to think about his run today.(马克·卡维特不需要考虑今天需不需要去跑步。)
  • 9、This is the best time to break into thecovert persuasion and influence segment of communication.(这是你在潜意识说服与影响方面突飞猛进的最佳时机!)
  • 10、The names of all thecovert operators mentioned in this story have been changed.(本文中所有秘密行动人员的姓名均已被更改。)
  • 11、For this they required a more complicated setup, and a littlecovert action.(这次他做了一点改动,使实验设置更为复杂了些。)
  • 12、He stole acovert glance at her across the table.(他隔着桌子偷偷地瞥了她一眼。)
  • 13、New and notable is that these formerlycovert activities have become open and pervasive.(值得注意的是这些原来隐蔽的花朵已经变得公开和无孔不入了。)
  • 14、Clearly, we need to get rid of the newlines andcovert to integers before we can do any useful calculations.(显然,我们需要消除换行并转换为整数,然后才能进行有用的计算。)
  • 15、From January to May 1793, Marat fought bitterly with the Girondins, whom he believed to becovert enemies of republicanism.(1793年1月至5月,马拉和被认为是共和主义秘密敌人的吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争。)
  • 16、Tactics that were previouslycovert are now out in the open and extremely aggressive.(从前那些隐秘策略现在正变得公开且极为激进。)
  • 17、As the individual matures, that overt talking to oneself becomescovert talking to oneself, but thinking still shows up as a laryngeal habit.(随着个体的成熟,公开的自言自语变成了隐蔽的自言自语,但思考仍然表现为一种喉部习惯。)
  • 18、Thecovert approach allowed the White House to hide its involvement if necessary.(如果必要的话,这个秘密措施可以隐蔽掉白宫的参与。)
  • 19、Determine all the tasks needed to complete the story andcovert these into expected person hours.(确定完成这一故事所需完成的所有任务,并将其转换为预期的人时。)
  • 20、In acovert situation at an airport, people could conceivably undergo the initial assessment at check-in or immigration.(在机场的秘密位置,人们在检验口或入境处可以理解地接受初次测试。)
  • 21、Tailcovert, fan display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg.(尾部覆羽,用于开屏展示,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆。)
  • 22、This 2.4ghz Wireless Shoecovert Camera is really pushing the boundaries.(这款2.4GHz无线鞋子摄像头是一款真正意义上具有突破性的隐秘摄像头。)
  • 23、Then he made his deliberationscovert.(然后,他进行不公开的审议。)
  • 24、A bench with a seat lid that lifts offerscovert storage for miscellaneous items like dog leashes.(带盖的长椅提供了放置诸如牵狗绳之类等杂物的隐秘场所。)
  • 25、Some of the latest solar cells, for instance, cancovert sunlight into electricity with an efficiency of more than 40%.(例如,部分最新型的太阳能电池将阳光转换成电能的功率超过了40%。) 【好工具】
  • 26、We must guard against and redress all forms ofcovert protectionist activities.(要警惕和纠正形形色色的隐性保护主义行为。)


英 [ˈkʌvət] 美 [ˈkoʊvɜ:rt] 

副词: covertly 名词: covertness


