


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:48:30

  • 1、At alltimes:courteous, gracious, &professional(在任何时候:礼貌、和蔼、专业)
  • 2、She was verycourteous;(她非常谦逊礼貌;)
  • 3、He was a kind andcourteous man.(他善良且彬彬有礼。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、She needed to soften her request to make it as polite andcourteous as she could.(她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。)
  • 5、He wascourteous always, but aloof, remote.(他常常很客气,但又那么冷淡、疏远。)
  • 6、Certainly, Obama wascourteous enough in his trip last year to Ghana.(当然,奥巴马在他去年的加纳之行上十分谦恭有礼。)
  • 7、The hotel staff are friendly andcourteous.(旅馆服务人员友好而有礼貌。)
  • 8、You are much more likely to get the response you desire if you remaincourteous.(如果你客气一点,你收到回复的可能性更大些。)
  • 9、It was verycourteous of you to send my mother a thank-you note.(你寄谢函给我母亲真周到。)
  • 10、He's such acourteous gentleman.(它是如此有礼的绅士。)
  • 11、Be acourteous driver. Let people merge in front of you.(做一名有礼貌的司机,允许别人可以超车。)
  • 12、So far, relations between the two sides are strained butcourteous.(到目前为止双方的关系虽然紧张但还是有礼貌的。)
  • 13、“She was verycourteous; she was very nice, ” Montse Monne-Corbero, who lives next door, said of Ms. Foley.(“她非常谦逊礼貌;非常好”佛里的邻居们说。)
  • 14、Many are hard-working, professional andcourteous.(许多人工作勤奋,专业水平高并且彬彬有礼。)
  • 15、When I tried to leave the building to look around, somecourteous airmen said I didn't have the proper clearance.(当我试图离开讲堂四处走走时,某个礼貌的飞行员说我并未获得符合规定的许可。)
  • 16、We are now morecourteous, more compassionate and more civic minded than ever before.(我们变得更有礼貌,更有同情心,也更有公民意识。)
  • 17、No one likes to wait for the others. Becourteous by being on time.(没有人喜欢等候,守时是礼貌的表现。)
  • 18、Time sensitivity andcourteous use of system resources.(时间灵敏度和系统资源的谨慎使用。)
  • 19、Being respectful andcourteous goes a long way toward building a relationship.(对人恭谨、彬彬有礼是建立关系的重要因素。)
  • 20、The clerks arecourteous.(店员们都很谦恭客气。)
  • 21、In social situations, he's affable andcourteous, always willing to chat and is interested in what others say.(在社交场合里,他亲切而礼貌,总是乐于与人交流并且对他人的谈话表现出很大的兴趣。)
  • 22、A: Well, a stewardess should be friendly,courteous, patient and treat passengers kindly and politely.(空姐应该待人友好、有礼貌、有耐心,对顾客和蔼、彬彬有礼。)
  • 23、To activate the idea of politeness the next group unscrambled words like 'courteous', 'patiently' and 'behaved'.(而为了激发下一组的礼貌意识,则是一些“谦恭”,“有耐心地”,“举止端正”等单词。)
  • 24、His soft,courteous, slightly smiling delivery encouraged people to listen, as to a favourite uncle.(他轻柔、谦恭、略带微笑的讲话风格使人们愿意聆听,就像听一个可爱的叔叔讲话一样。)
  • 25、They will have had acourteous hearing: China is willing and able to help.(他们将会听到中国的客套话:中国愿意、也有能力提供援助。)
  • 26、It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish betweencourteous convention and individual interest.(要区分礼貌习俗和个人兴趣,仅仅在公共汽车上的一次短暂邂逅是不够的。)


英 [ˈkɜ:tiəs] 美 [ˈkɜ:rtiəs] 

副词: courteously 名词: courteousness

