- 1、The children are wild withjoy.(孩子们欣喜若狂。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 2、Sharing ourjoy with other people brings us morejoy.(和他人分享快乐会带给我们更多的快乐。)
- 3、Mayjoy and peace abide in us all.(愿我们大家都欢乐平安。)
- 4、The crowds were delirious withjoy.(人群欣喜若狂。)
- 5、She laughed with purejoy.(她由衷地笑起来。)
- 6、She wept tears ofjoy.(她喜极而泣。)
- 7、joy welled up in his heart.(欢乐拥上他的心头。)
- 8、Her three children brought herjoy.(她的3个孩子给她得带来了快乐。)
- 9、It's their enormous capacity forjoy.(这是他们创造快乐的巨大能量。)
- 10、I jumped forjoy.(我高兴得跳了起来。)
- 11、To his greatjoy, she accepted.(使他感到非常高兴的是她接受了。)
- 12、There was unrestrainedjoy on the faces of the people.(人们的脸上有无拘无束的快乐。)
- 13、We wanted morejoy.(我们想要更多的欢乐。)
- 14、I exulted and wept forjoy.(我欢欣鼓舞,流下了快乐的泪水。)
- 15、It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any realjoy.(原本应该是高兴的时刻,她却丝毫未感到快乐。)
- 16、Salter shouted withjoy.(索尔特高兴地叫起来。)
- 17、His heart sang forjoy.(他高兴得心儿在唱歌。)
- 18、There is nojoy likejoy in dreams.(梦幻中的喜悦超乎你的想象。)
- 19、She jumped withjoy.(她高兴得跳起来。)
- 20、She broughtjoy to countless people through her music.(她通过自己的音乐把快乐带给了无数人。)
- 21、Theirjoy was short.(他们的快乐是短暂的。)
- 22、The chorus was singing "The Ode tojoy."(合唱团那时正在唱着《欢乐颂》。)
- 23、Her face was ajoy to behold.(她的容貌十分悦目。)
- 24、I just broke down and wept with tears ofjoy.(我实在控制不住,流下了高兴的眼泪。)
- 25、Huck'sjoy was quenched.(哈克的喜悦之情消失了。)
- 26、The game was ajoy to watch.(这比赛看起来真开心。)
- 27、The child was jumping withjoy.(这孩子高兴得直跳。)
- 28、She gave a shout ofjoy.(她大声欢呼。)
- 29、Childhood had less freedom andjoy than we sentimentally attribute to it.(童年的自由和欢乐没有我们多愁善感地赋予它的那么多。)
- 30、The team's victory produced scenes ofjoy all over the country.(球队的胜利使举国上下出现一派欢乐的场面。)