


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:17:18

  • 1、After years of worry andhardship, her health broke.(经过多年的忧虑和艰苦之后,她的健康变得衰弱了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、There are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-relatedhardship.(我们的社会统计数据也在许多方面低估了与劳动力市场相关的困难程度。)
  • 3、There is going to behardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.(磨难会有的,但我们必须下定决心继续做下去。)
  • 4、They were condemned to a life ofhardship.(他们不得不过着艰难的生活。)
  • 5、And we're not talking about temporaryhardship.(而且,这里说的并不是临时困难。)
  • 6、The bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will causehardship for the powerless and environmental destruction.(尽管世界银行的顾问说大坝会给弱势群体带来困难,破坏环境,但世界银行还是这样做了。)
  • 7、In these times ofhardship, has anyone thought about the family pet?(在这艰难时刻,有人想到自家养的宠物了吗?)
  • 8、Welfare provides a cushion againsthardship.(福利给困苦提供了一个缓解。)
  • 9、It was nohardship to walk home on such a lovely evening.(在这么一个宜人的傍晚步行回家一点也不辛苦。)
  • 10、Is this ahardship for them?(这对她们来说是不是很困难?)
  • 11、Some do but the vast majority are condemned to extremehardship.(有人的确做到了,但绝大多数者已经被判处永生艰难困苦。)
  • 12、"We learned to endurehardship," she says.(“我们学会了吃苦耐劳”,她说。)
  • 13、In other words, success is born formhardship.(可以说,成功是苦出来的。为什么失败是成功之母?)
  • 14、It's the tale ofhardship and struggle that resonates.(就是那些关于艰难岁月和奋斗不息的故事,它们会引起很多共鸣。)
  • 15、Many people are suffering economichardship.(很多人正遭受着经济困难。)
  • 16、She reconciles herself to a life ofhardship and poverty.(她甘心过着艰苦贫穷的生活。)
  • 17、I will undergo anyhardship to master this art in the shortest time!(我能承受任何艰辛,在最短的时间内精通这门技艺!)
  • 18、They are pretty confident because they never felthardship.(他们都很自信因为他们没有感受过困苦。)
  • 19、This, in turn, inevitably means bigger grocery bills for consumers, and greaterhardship for the millions in countries where food shortages are a matter of life and death.(反过来,这必然意味着消费者要支付更多的食品杂货账单。而在那些食品短缺问题已经关乎生死存亡的国家,这也会导致数百万人将面临更大的困难。)
  • 20、But a strong man would bearhardship without complaining.(但一个坚强的男人是会忍受困苦而不抱怨的。)
  • 21、In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree ofhardship.(在许多方面,我们的社会统计数字夸大了困难的程度。)
  • 22、If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call ahardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modern society.(如果你在森林里迷路了,少许知识就可以把一些人所说的困难变成远离现代社会的麻烦的一种享受。)
  • 23、It did not occur to us that walking was ahardship(我们从来没想过走路会是件困难的事。)
  • 24、If other people can endurehardship, why can't I?(人家能吃苦,我就不能?)
  • 25、Now I know it'shardship that makes us the people we become.(现在我领悟了——是苦难造就了我们这些人。)
  • 26、Not until he went through realhardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.(直到经历了真正的苦难后,他才意识到我们对家人的爱是重要的。)


英 [ˈhɑ:dʃɪp] 美 [ˈhɑ:rdʃɪp] 


