- 1、To get to thehire shop, again, you need to head to Pine Street.(要想去出租店,你们同样要往松树街走。)
- 2、If you want tohire a car, take along your driver's license.(如果你想租车,带上你的驾驶执照。)
- 3、There is a growing tendency among employers tohire casual staff.(雇主雇用临时职员有增加的趋势。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 4、The costumes are onhire from the local theatre.(戏装可向本地剧院租用。)
- 5、Why should wehire you?(我们为什么应该雇佣你呢?)
- 6、Within a year, I had tohire another cook and four waitresses.(一年之内,我不得不又雇了一个厨师和四个女服务员。)
- 7、No one perceived themself to be in a position tohire such a man.(无人认为自己能做主雇用这样一个人。)
- 8、You canhire a car if you want to explore further afield.(假如你想逛更远的地方,可以租辆汽车。)
- 9、Since there isn't much time left, I'd rather wehire a taxi.(由于时间不多了,我宁愿我们雇一辆出租车。)
- 10、Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, the number of boats available forhire on the river is limited.(这是一个自然风景极美的地方,所以河上可供租用的船只数量有限。)
- 11、Allhire cars are for personal use only.(所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。)
- 12、When wehire them, we have more information than other employers.(当我们雇佣他们的时候,我们比其他雇主有更多的信息。)
- 13、We had tohire maids through an agency.(我们得通过代理公司雇用女佣。)
- 14、The church here was left a bequest tohire doctors who would work with the poor.(这个教堂收到一笔遗产,用来雇用为穷人治病的医生。)
- 15、Do youhire out bikes?(你们出租自行车吗?)
- 16、The risks can be so complex that bankshire mathematicians to assess them.(这类风险可以是如此复杂以至于银行雇佣数学家们去评估它们。)
- 17、He agreed tohire her at slightly over minimum wage with two weeks' paid holiday.(他同意以略高于最低工资的薪资雇用她,外加两周带薪假。)
- 18、We canhire bikes for a day to explore the town.(我们可租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。)
- 19、Why don't youhire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area.(你怎么不租辆汽车?那样的话,你可以多参观些地方。)
- 20、How expensive is it tohire an agency like yours?(雇佣一家像你的那样的机构要花费多少呢?)
- 21、The Budapest office plans tohire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.(布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由职业记者来报道最近发生的事件。)
- 22、You alsohire the mistresses of Oxford High School for girls.(你也为女孩们雇佣了牛津高中的女教师。)
- 23、They take pains tohire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.(他们煞费苦心雇用那些具备把顾客服务好的个性的人。)
- 24、The price includes thehire of the hall.(费用包括礼堂租金。)
- 25、They canhire a gardener to do the work.(他们可以雇个园丁来做这项工作。)
- 26、hire a personal stylist, or use the free styling service of a store like J.Crew.(那就雇一名个人造型师,或者使用像J.Crew这样的商店提供的免费造型服务。)
- 27、Helmets will be available forhire at all Vail Resort ski areas.(在韦尔度假村的所有滑雪场里都有头盔供出租。)
- 28、Under law, your employer has the right tohire a temporary worker to replace you.(按法律规定,你的雇主有权聘用临时工来代替你。)
- 29、Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest andhire.(私人企业需要投资和雇佣的信心。)
- 30、I want tohire a person with experience in sales.(我想聘请有销售经验的人。)