- 1、We made a short diversion to go and look at thecastle.(我们绕了一小段路去参观城堡。)
- 2、A man's house is hiscastle.(家是人的城堡。)
- 3、Thecastle fronts the sea.(这城堡面向海。)
- 4、The originalcastle was probably built about AD 860.(原先的城堡可能是在公元860年前后修建的。)
- 5、Thecastle is now in the custody of the state.(现在那座城堡由国家照管。)
- 6、Damage was confined to a small portion of thecastle.(城堡仅有一小部分受到了损坏。)
- 7、The arch once stood alone at the entrance to thecastle.(拱门曾经孤零零地矗立在城堡的入口处。)
- 8、Welcome to the Baby'scastle!(欢迎来到宝宝城堡!)
- 9、Visitors to thecastle had to fork out for a guidebook.(参观城堡的游客得为一本旅游指南掏很多钱。)
- 10、It is a perfect example of a medievalcastle.(这是最典型的中世纪城堡。)
- 11、Thecastle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.(城堡坐落在高高的悬崖,十分壮观。)
- 12、Thiscastle has fifty doors.(这城堡有五十个门。)
- 13、Thecastle was bathed in moonlight.(城堡沐浴在月光里。)
- 14、Thecastle lies on a hilltop.(这个城堡座落在山顶上。)
- 15、Let's go inside thecastle.(让我们走进城堡看看。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 16、The dark silhouette of thecastle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.(城堡遗迹的黑暗轮廓在暗淡光线下显得格外突出。)
- 17、Please build acastle.(请建造一座城堡。)
- 18、At that time, thecastle was in enemy hands.(那时城堡在敌人手中。)
- 19、We visited the ruins of a Normancastle.(我们参观了一座诺曼式城堡的遗迹。)
- 20、My home is mycastle.(我的家就是我的城堡。)
- 21、Ourcastle needs your help!(我的城堡需要你守护!)
- 22、The children were playing on the inflatablecastle.(孩子们在充气城堡上玩。)
- 23、Thecastle is open daily from May to October inclusive.(这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。)
- 24、Did you visit Edinburghcastle?(你去了爱丁堡城堡吗?)
- 25、Family is everyone'scastle.(家庭是每个人的城堡。)
- 26、Where is your beautifulcastle?(你漂亮的城堡在哪儿呢?)
- 27、Thecastle occupies a commanding position on a hill.(城堡占据着山上居高临下的位置。)
- 28、Thecastle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.(那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。)
- 29、castle walls are very thick.(城堡的墙很厚。)
- 30、We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburghcastle.(我们从爱丁堡城堡所在的高处俯视整个城市。)