


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:46:24

  • 1、Newcastle striker Michael Owen is fully committed to the club despite reports to the contrary, according to Shola Ameobi.(阿梅奥比称欧文已经为俱乐部做了很多,尽管外界流传着相反的声音。)
  • 2、EnterNewcastle University biologist Claire Rind.(克莱尔·莱恩是纽卡斯尔大学的生物学家。)
  • 3、The one-celled embryos, created at the University ofNewcastle, were destroyed within days, as required by law.(在英国纽卡斯尔大学培育出来的这些单细胞胚胎,在数天内就被依法销毁。)
  • 4、The draw put United seven points clear of Chelsea, who hostNewcastle on Sunday.(平局让曼联领先切尔西7分。后者周日迎战纽卡斯尔。)
  • 5、The research was presented this month at the conference of the British Society for Research on Aging inNewcastle.(这项研究是本月在纽卡索由英国学会发表关于老化的报告。)
  • 6、WAITING for the perfect wave, surf-riders atNewcastle seem oblivious to the cargo ships just beyond.(在等待理想的波浪之际,纽卡斯尔的冲浪者们并不在意不远处的货船。)
  • 7、Outside the port ofNewcastle, a record 70 ships are waiting to load coal bound for Asia.(纽卡斯尔港口外,有70艘船等待着将煤矿运往亚洲。)
  • 8、Mrs Bennet was quite depressed when Lydia and Wickham left Longbourn to travel north toNewcastle.(丽迪亚和韦翰离开浪搏恩北上纽卡斯尔,这使班纳特太太相当丧气。)
  • 9、'People come from all over; Cornwall, Wales,Newcastle so it's the one time we get to see each other.(有的人来自康沃尔,有的来自威尔士,还有的来自纽卡斯尔,大家来自各个地方。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、Researchers at Manchester andNewcastle universities recommend two tomato-based meals a day for optimum health.(研究人员在曼彻斯特和纽卡斯尔大学推荐了两个以番茄为基础的能使人体处于最佳健康状态的一日三餐。)
  • 11、Researchers atNewcastle University in England explored a biological process that makes blood vessels grow.(纽卡斯尔大学的研究人员在英格兰探索生物过程,使血管的生长。)
  • 12、That is what researchers atNewcastle University recently set out to discover.(这就是纽卡斯尔大学的研究员最近的初步发现。)
  • 13、Australia's first coal was mined atNewcastle in 1797, less than a decade after Europeans began to settle.(澳大利亚的第一座煤矿于1797年在纽卡斯尔开采,是欧洲人在此定居不到十年之后。)
  • 14、Malcolm Young is the head of a firm called e-Therapeutics, which is based inNewcastle upon Tyne.(马尔科姆•杨(MalcolmYoung)是名为电子疗法(e-Therapeutics)公司的老板,这家公司的总部在泰恩河沿岸的纽卡斯尔。)
  • 15、Newcastle showed me so much respect and a lot of love that I want to give back to them.(球队给了我很大的尊重和很多的爱,我会知恩图报。)
  • 16、I can't remember givingNewcastle a chance at goal and, away from home, you have to give credit to our team for that.(要知道这是在客场,我不记得纽卡斯尔有什么像样的机会,你该相信自己的队伍能行。)
  • 17、Bristol, Leeds,Newcastle, Norwich, Manchester and Cardiff make up the rest of the top 10.(布里斯托尔,利兹,纽卡斯尔,挪利其,曼彻斯特和加地夫紧随其后占据前十。)
  • 18、The court heard that the victims were two popular young graduates ofNewcastle University who preferred to use their Anglicised names of Cici and Kevin.(法庭得知,受害者是纽卡斯尔大学两个颇受欢迎的青年研究生,他们喜欢用自己的英文名字,Cici和Kevin。)
  • 19、Holloway also wants to sign Nile Ranger on loan fromNewcastle and Nicky Butt on a free. (Express).(霍洛韦还想以租借方式从纽卡斯尔签下尼尔·兰格(NileRanger),并自由转会尼基·巴特(NickyButt)。)
  • 20、Newcastle, Spurs or Arsenal on away fans' noise.(比客场球迷嘘声,有纽卡斯尔,热刺或阿森纳。)
  • 21、I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 11 years old with my best mate at the Odeon inNewcastle.(第一次看夺宝奇兵,是我11岁的时候和我最好的朋友在纽卡斯尔的剧场里看的。)
  • 22、Since then the scientists inNewcastle have been studying what happens when carrots are chopped and cooked.(于是纽卡斯尔大学的科学家们便开始研究胡萝卜在被切碎和煮食的过程中会发生什么变化。)
  • 23、Then I came back toNewcastle as the star signing and was in the team every time again.(然后我作为一笔巨星签约回到了纽卡,也是作为主力占据了一个首发位置。)
  • 24、Newcastle Brown Ale: The one and only.(纽卡斯尔brown浓啤酒:有且只有。)


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