- 1、They caught severalfish.(他们捉到了几条鱼。)
- 2、Thefish took the bait.(鱼咬了钓饵。)
- 3、Thefish slipped out of my hand.(鱼从我手里溜掉了。)
- 4、He and I had twofish apiece.(我和他每人有两条鱼。)
- 5、Thesefish are very aggressive.(这些鱼十分好斗。)
- 6、Thefish were unwholesome and old.(这些鱼已经不新鲜了。)
- 7、fish are abundant in the lake.(湖里鱼很多。)
- 8、The lakes abound withfish.(这些湖泊盛产鱼。) hAo86.com
- 9、Thefish I caught was yay big.(我钓的鱼有这么大呢。)
- 10、I'll have soup andfish to follow.(我要汤,然后要鱼。)
- 11、The gull held thefish in its beak.(海鸥嘴里叼着鱼。)
- 12、Meat andfish are relatively expensive.(肉和鱼相对较贵。)
- 13、fish are plentiful in the lake.(这个湖里鱼很多。)
- 14、The pond was well stocked withfish.(池塘里养了许多鱼。)
- 15、Does dry white wine go best withfish?(干白葡萄酒和鱼肉是最佳搭配吗?)
- 16、Thisfish has gone off.(这条鱼已变质了。)
- 17、Thefish was overdone and very dry.(这鱼烧的时间太长,都干掉了。)
- 18、Thefish was cooked to perfection.(这鱼烹得恰到好处。)
- 19、A whale is afish. True or false?(鲸鱼是鱼,对还是错?)
- 20、Thesefish are often eaten raw.(这些鱼常常生吃。)
- 21、The new drug is derived fromfish oil.(这种新药是从鱼油中提炼出来的。)
- 22、How manyfish did you catch?(你捕到几条鱼?)
- 23、Where did you catch thefish?(你在哪儿捕到了这条鱼?)
- 24、The babyfish are easy prey for birds.(这些小鱼很容易被鸟类捕食。)
- 25、I must clean thefish tank out.(我必须把养鱼缸彻底清洗干净。)
- 26、Thefish was mushy and tasteless.(这鱼烧得烂而无味。)
- 27、Thefish live on the plankton.(这种鱼以浮游生物为主食。)
- 28、I slowly reeled thefish in.(我慢慢地收卷鱼线,将鱼拉过来。)
- 29、We hardly ever eatfish.(我们几乎从不吃鱼。)
- 30、fish and shellfish are the specialties.(鱼和甲壳类水生动物是特产。)