


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:27:22

  • 1、Incredibly, there are also stories of places wherecatfish have attacked and even eaten people.(难以置信!到处都有关于鲶鱼袭击人类甚至吃人的地方传说。)
  • 2、The same phenomenon occurred when welscatfish was introduced into the Ebro River in Spain.(同样的现象在六须鲶鱼引入西班牙埃布罗河时也发生了。)
  • 3、Bluecatfish are the focus of many urban legends, mostly stories of hugecatfish below DAMS.(蓝鲶是很多都市传说中的焦点,大多关于巨鲶的故事都发生在堤坝下面。)
  • 4、We atecatfish at a local restaurant.(我们在当地的一家参观吃了鲶鱼。)
  • 5、Thecatfish has over 27,000 taste buds.(鲶鱼有超过27000个味蕾。)
  • 6、Not allcatfish are created equal: we tend to think ofcatfish as slimy bottom feeders, but that is only true for a small percentage of species.(并非所有的鲶鱼都是生来平等的:我们倾向于认为鲶鱼是黏糊糊的食底泥动物,但那只适用于一小部分物种。)
  • 7、catfish, carp and tilapia are often bred this way.(鲶鱼,鲤鱼和罗非鱼一般都是这样养殖的。)
  • 8、Now Sheila and thecatfish are all collected in Guinness World Records.(希拉和这条鱼目前都被收录进《吉尼斯世界纪录》。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、Bluecatfish were also relatively common in the St.Louis fish market in the 1800s.(18世纪圣路易斯鱼类市场上蓝鲶就相当的普遍了。)
  • 10、How does the blue compare to othercatfish?(如何比较蓝鲶和其他鲶鱼?)
  • 11、A CAPRICIOUS, mythicalcatfish lies beneath the Japanese archipelago.(在日本群岛下,躺着一条骚动不安的神奇鲶鱼。)
  • 12、How does the blue compare to othercatfish? What makes it special or especially interesting?(如何比较蓝鲶和其他鲶鱼?是什么令其特殊或是特别让人感兴趣?)
  • 13、Mark Twain mentions largecatfish in his books-those fish were likely blues.(马克·吐温在他的书中提到过的大型鲶鱼——这些很有可能就是蓝鲶。)
  • 14、In 1995, the first owner of the house was acatfish lover.(1995年,这个房子的第一个户主很喜欢吃鲶鱼。)
  • 15、The previous record was a 130-poundcatfish caught in Missouri last year.(之前的记录是去年密苏里州捕获的重130磅的鲶鱼。)
  • 16、Bluecatfish populations are considered relatively healthy at the center of its range.(在其产地的中心地带,蓝鲶的数量被认为是相对健康的。)
  • 17、Why should we care aboutcatfish?(我们为什么要关注鲶鱼?)
  • 18、Bluecatfish were introduced into Virginia in 1974.(蓝鲶是在1974年引入的弗吉尼亚。)
  • 19、In fact, globally,catfish are some of the largest and most widespread of any species.(事实上在全球范围内,鲶鱼都是最大的鱼类之一,每一个种类也都分布极广。)
  • 20、Do people eat bluecatfish?(人们吃不吃蓝鲶?)
  • 21、Previously, Sheila caught a giant albinocatfish of 87kg which was the largest one ever hooked.(希拉此前还钓过有史以来体重最大的白鲶鱼,重约87公斤。)
  • 22、I brought you somecatfish.(给你带了点鲶鱼。)
  • 23、Is fishing for these giantcatfish legal?(捕捞这些巨鲶合法么?)
  • 24、It was the largestcatfish ever caught by a woman.(她创下了钓到最大鲶鱼的女性记录。)
  • 25、According to one scientist, the oreoglaniscatfish have greatly enlarged paired fins, that together with their unique body shape, form a huge sucker.(据一位科学家表示,这种异齿属鲶鱼的偶鳍异常地大,加上它们独特的体形,构成一个巨大的吸管。)


英 [ˈkætfɪʃ] 美 [ˈkætˌfɪʃ] 

名词复数: catfish

