- 1、They injected histamine into the monkeys' lower legs to produce anitch, and the STT neurons fired up.(他们在动物的小腿上注射了产生瘙痒感的组胺,然后STT神经就被激发了。)
- 2、These are the regulations for any infectious skin disease, for anitch.(这是为各类大痲风的灾病和头疥。)
- 3、Now that you've done that, you've probably got anitch to install new apps.(既然已经尝试了一下,你大概已经忍不信手痒想要安装新软件了吧。)
- 4、An idea is like anitch: you need to scratch it, and when you do it feels better.(头脑里出现的想法就好像是被蚊虫叮了一样:您需要抓痒痒,这样做才感觉舒服一些。)
- 5、But couples who manage to survive the seven-yearitch would be wise not to get complacent.(但成功度过“七年之痒”的夫妇不要沾沾自喜。)
- 6、Neff gives the following examples: “itch in left foot, ” “excitement, ” “plane flying overhead.”(内夫举了几个例子,如“左脚发痒”,“兴奋”,“飞机在高空飞翔”。)
- 7、Every dog and cat knows that scratching relieves anitch.(猫猫狗狗都知道抓挠可以止痒。)
- 8、But if theitch does spread in the skin after he is pronounced clean.(但他得洁净以后,头疥若在皮上发散开了。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 9、But they could still sense and avoid pain, showing thatitch and pain are processed independently.(但是,它们仍然能感受并避免疼痛,这表明老鼠的神经系统是分别处理痒和疼痛的。)
- 10、She has anitch to travel.(她渴望旅行。)
- 11、Scratching by itself—that is, in the absence of anitch—had no such effect.(抓挠本身——即不养时——并无这样的效果。)
- 12、WASHINGTON - Got anitch to scratch?(华盛顿——痒了为什么要挠挠?)
- 13、Indeed, pain anditch have been difficult to separate.(实际上,疼痛和瘙痒一直以来都很难分开。)
- 14、Scratch my back – I've got anitch.(给我挠挠背–我痒痒。)
- 15、In fact, I see people getting the career-changeitch about once every ten years.(事实上,我注意到,人们患上十年一次的‘转行之痒’。)
- 16、One obvious benefit of digital downloads is their ability to scratch an immediateitch.(数字下载一个最明显的好处就是能够立即止痒。)
- 17、When the fungus that causes jockitch targets the feet, you have athlete’s foot.(当引发你股癣的真菌感染你的双脚时,你就会得脚气。)
- 18、And that - for those who have had anitch they can't quite reach - would be a minor medical miracle.(而那对于任何有过自己不容易够到的瘙痒的人来说都会是一个小小的医学奇迹。)
- 19、The pitch made meitch.(沥青使我发痒。)
- 20、When you want to scream and yell, insteaditch.(当你想要大喊大叫的时候,用渴望来替代。)
- 21、Take the commonitch.(拿普通的痒来说吧。)
- 22、Iitch all over.(我浑身痒。)
- 23、In a commonitch like a mosquito bite, cells in the skin release a chemical called histamine.(在常见的瘙痒中,比如蚊虫叮咬,皮肤细胞会释放一种叫做组胺的化学物质。)
- 24、This isn't the onlyitch pathway to the brain, stressed Wake Forest's Yosipovitch.(这并不是唯一通往大脑的瘙痒神经通路,威克森林大学Yosipovitch教授强调说。)
- 25、That — for those who have had anitch they can't quite reach — would be a minor medical miracle.(对于那些有某种愿望却无法实现的人来说,那将是一个小小的医学奇迹。)
- 26、The pitch made meitch. I pitched the switch into the ditch around the kitchen.(沥青使我发痒.我把开关抛进围绕厨房的水沟里.)
- 27、Scientists have pinpointed a key group of cells that sendsitch-alerts to the brain.(科学家们已经明确找到将抓痒提醒信号传输到大脑的一组关键细胞。)
- 28、Scratch yourself if youitch.(如果你感到痒,就搔好了。)
- 29、When someone has hay fever, the eyes and nose will stream anditch.(当一个人染上花粉热时,会流眼泪、流鼻涕,还会感到眼睛和鼻子发痒。)