


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:31:57

  • 1、Much to my parents' consternation, it was the first film to make me utter thosefateful words: "I want to be an actor."(让我父母大为吃惊的是,就是这部电影,第一次让我说出了决定命运的话:“我想做个演员。”)
  • 2、Iran and the six facefateful choices.(伊朗和这六个国家面临着关乎命运的抉择。)
  • 3、Later thatfateful summer of 2007, it finally clicked for me: Grant was different.(后来2007年那致命的夏夜,我终于发现:Grant异于常人。)
  • 4、Sombre is human life, and as yet without meaning: a buffoon may befateful to it.(人生黯淡,意义安在:小丑可能就是它的宿命吧。)
  • 5、On thatfateful day Faida was on the same road she always took after working in the peanut fields.(在其遭难的那天,菲达一如往常地走在同一条路上。)
  • 6、I really think this is afateful trip for both of us.(我真的觉得对咱两来说这是一次命运攸关的旅行。)
  • 7、It was called the Kal Mrigaya, thefateful Hunt.(它叫做《死神的狩猎》。)
  • 8、"In this grave hour, perhaps the mostfateful in our history..." the speech begins.(演讲是这样开始的:“在这个庄严,甚至是我们国家有史以来最重要的时刻…”)
  • 9、This step involved manyfateful consequences.(这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果。)
  • 10、He made thefateful decision to re-cross Poland and Lithuania and strike directly at Moscow via Smolensk.(他做出了致命的决定:重新穿过波兰和立陶宛,经过斯摩棱斯克直接打击莫斯科。)
  • 11、December 23 was afateful day for the Middle East peace process.(12月23日于中东和平进程而言是个重大的日子。)
  • 12、Of course, Clinton's mistakes werefateful and ought not to be repeated.(当然,克林顿的错误是巨大的,是不能再发生的。)
  • 13、So today, the Middle East stands at afateful crossroads.(所以今天,中东站在一个决定命运的十字路口。)
  • 14、Thatfateful autumn has led many to rethink the relationship between business and society.(那个决定命运的秋季,让许多人重新思考企业和社会之间的关系。)
  • 15、Had a few,fateful mutations changed an innocuous chimp virus into a human killer?(是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?)
  • 16、Then she’d have me do a Detailed Remembering re myfateful night.(然后,她会让我重新仔细回忆起决定了我命运的那个晚上。) 【好工具】
  • 17、Cue Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard for theirfateful meeting in Brief Encounter.(在电影“相间恨晚”里,库。赛莉娅。约翰森和特雷弗。郝沃德命中注定的邂逅就是在这里。)
  • 18、It was afateful description of the new reality, creating the likelihood of an overreaction.(这是对新现实状况的决定性表述,造成国家决策过激反应的可能性。)
  • 19、Thefateful night was not publicly mentioned for years by anyone who had been there.(很多年此事都没再被任何人公开提及。)
  • 20、Then came thatfateful night.(然后,那个让我们记忆犹新的夜晚来临了。)
  • 21、She looked back now to thatfateful day in December.(她现在回顾十二月里那决定性的一天。)
  • 22、He gave a detailed account of what happened on thefateful night.(他对那个决定命运的夜晚所发生的事情做了一个详细的报道。)
  • 23、It was months after thatfateful summer afternoon before Jimmy was able to return to work.(那个灾难性的夏日午后过后,又过了几个月,吉米才返回自己的工作岗位。)
  • 24、On thatfateful day in December, however, their proximity to the ocean spelled disaster.(然而,就在去年12月那致命的一天,他们离海的近距离招致了灾难。)
  • 25、Charles made thefateful decision to march south.(查理最终做出了向南进军的致命决策。)
  • 26、All of this changed, however, onefateful day when Gandhi was denied a seat on a stagecoach in South Africa.(这种平凡的日子在一天内被打破了。这一天,甘地在南非火车站乘车被拒。)
  • 27、Doug Vitrano, the litigator, had made thefateful decision to recommend Patrick as the fifth partner.(诉讼律师道格·维特拉诺做出了决定,推荐帕特里克担任第五任合伙人。)


英 [ˈfeɪtfl] 美 [ˈfetfəl] 

副词: fatefully 名词: fatefulness

