


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:31:23

  • 1、Although she finished her voyage without acompanion, she did not start it alone.(尽管她在没有同伴时完成了她的航行,但在开始时她并不孤单。)
  • 2、We had decided, as you know, to have acompanion for Clara.(你知道,我们已经决定给克拉拉找个伴儿。)
  • 3、The trees, the rocks, and the streams are all weeping for the loss of the shepherd-speaker's belovedcompanion.(树木、山石、小溪都在哭泣,为牧羊人失去了亲爱的同伴而心痛。)
  • 4、Because they are so dim, it is plausible that the sun could have a secretcompanion.(它们是那么的暗淡,因此太阳还是很有可能有一颗神秘的伴星。)
  • 5、He is a badcompanion and some day he will lead you astray.(他是个坏伙伴,总有一天会把你引入歧途。)
  • 6、Calmly, he reached his snake stick and the viper soon joined hiscompanion in the bag.(他镇定地伸出他的捕蛇棒,蝰蛇很快就加入他的同伴进了袋子。)
  • 7、Once, when I was a mere lad and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilledcompanion.(有一次,在我还是个小毛孩,从来没有骑过马的时候,他让我骑上一匹马在他的旁边疾驰,对于他那不熟练的同伴,他一点也不担虑。)
  • 8、This conversational robotcompanion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions.(这个会说话的机器人伴侣的眼睛里有摄像头,它可以监视病人,并在互动过程中使用恰当的面部表情和肢体语言。)
  • 9、She is a dependablecompanion.(她是一位可靠的伴侣。)
  • 10、Our onlycompanion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.(我们惟一的伴侣是那只漂泊信天翁,它轻快优雅地滑翔在游艇后面。)
  • 11、He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travelcompanion.(他是一个快乐的不抱怨的旅伴。)
  • 12、He took his lamecompanion upon his back, and they traveled on with safety and pleasure.(他把他的瘸子同伴背在背上,然后他们安全又愉快地继续上路了。)
  • 13、The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague" ; "friend" ; "companion".(词典中“伙伴”一词的意思是“同事”;“朋友”;“伴侣”。)
  • 14、Claude was a charming, sophisticatedcompanion.(克劳德是个有魅力、见多识广的伙伴。)
  • 15、He may be slow to make friends, perhaps content with only onecompanion.(他交朋友也许很慢,可能他只要有一个同伴就很满足了。)
  • 16、The elder girl tried to encourage her smallcompanion.(年长的女孩试图鼓励她的小伙伴。)
  • 17、I am the Tunny, yourcompanion in the Shark's stomach.(我是金枪鱼,是你在鲨鱼肚子里的伙伴。)
  • 18、Please take a cup of coffee with me and tell me about my daughter'scompanion.(请和我一起喝杯咖啡,告诉我关于我女儿的同伴的事。)
  • 19、How could it be otherwise with such a travellingcompanion as he had at last got?(他终于有了这样一位旅伴,怎么可能不这样呢?)
  • 20、It will be advisable for you to drop an acquaintance such as John; he is not a goodcompanion for you.(你和约翰那样的人断绝往来是明智的,对于你他并不是一个好伙伴。)
  • 21、He is a wonderfulcompanion and we can talk for hours on end.(他是个极好的伙伴,我们可以连续谈上几个小时。)
  • 22、She was a wonderfulcompanion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless.(她是一位极好的伴侣,她对我的宽容完全是无私的。)
  • 23、The idealcompanion machine—the computer—would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner.(理想的伴侣机器——电脑——不仅外观、感觉和声音友好,而且还会被编程以令人愉快的方式行事。)
  • 24、Would passengers feel comfortable travelling incompanion?(乘客在结伴旅行时会感到舒适吗?)
  • 25、A crowd is nocompanion.(人群不成友伴。)
  • 26、The idealcompanion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in an agreeable manner.(理想的伴侣机器不仅要有良好的外观、触感和声音,而且还要经过编程,使其行为举止令人愉悦。)
  • 27、He was a good friend, a dependablecompanion.(他是个好朋友,一个可以信赖的同伴。)
  • 28、You come over as a capable and amusingcompanion.(你让人觉得是一个能干而有趣的同伴。)
  • 29、The standard theory of planet formation holds that no planet that large could be formed so close to a star, leading to the suggestion that the body is acompanion star.(行星形成的标准理论认为,没有一颗如此大的行星能在如此靠近恒星的地方形成,因此才有人推测该天体是一颗伴星。)
  • 30、The mirror side eye closed as if the reflection were acompanion and the other eye stayed open.(镜子里的那只眼睛闭着,仿佛镜子里的人是自己的伴侣,而另一只眼睛则睁着。) (好工具


英 [kəmˈpæniən] 美 [kəmˈpænjən] 

过去式: companioned 过去分词: companioned 现在分词: companioning 第三人称单数: companions


