


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:18:52

  • 1、Her words were a greatencouragement to them.(她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。)
  • 2、It gives them theencouragement, I think, to really go for it.(我认为,这给了他们鼓励,让他们真正去争取。)
  • 3、If you have no friends or relatives, try to participate in several online communities, full of people who are always willing to share advice andencouragement.(如果你没有朋友或亲戚,可以试着参加一些线上社区,那里到处都是乐于分享建议和提供鼓励的人。)
  • 4、We should give the disabledencouragement to live as rich and full a life as we do.(我们应该鼓励残疾人像我们一样过丰富多彩、充实的生活。)
  • 5、"Our democracy operates on hope andencouragement," said the school board member.(“我们的民主是建立在希望和鼓励的基础上的。”教育委员会成员说道。)
  • 6、encouragement from parents is essential for a child.(父母的鼓励对孩子来说是至关重要的。)
  • 7、They gave her cheers ofencouragement.(他们给了她鼓励的欢呼声。)
  • 8、She was given everyencouragement to try something new.(她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。)
  • 9、Every day Amy got letters filled with holiday greetings and words ofencouragement.(艾米每天都会收到充满节日问候和鼓励的话的信。)
  • 10、It was a greatencouragement for an artist's career.(这对一个艺术家的职业生涯是一个巨大的鼓励。)
  • 11、Judge Thatcher sent messages of hope andencouragement from the cave, but they conveyed no real cheer.(撒切尔法官派人从洞里传来了希望和鼓励的信息,但他们没有带来喜悦。)
  • 12、Thanks to yourencouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind to study it in the university.(多亏了你的鼓励,我在数学上不断地取得进步,最终决定在大学里学习数学。)
  • 13、No amount ofencouragement would make him jump into the pool.(再怎样鼓励,他也不肯往游泳池里跳。)
  • 14、Friends gave me a great deal ofencouragement.(朋友们给了我极大的鼓励。)
  • 15、Support andencouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable.(参加此次计划的教师们同样需要支持和鼓励,这样可以帮助他们处理职业生活中让他们感到不适应的方面。)
  • 16、Children need moreencouragement.(孩子需要更多的鼓励。)
  • 17、Over the next few weeks, with mother's constantencouragement, I learned to take pride in being the narrator.(往后的几个星期,在母亲的一再鼓励下,我渐渐地为担任旁白的角色感到骄傲。)
  • 18、With a littleencouragement from his parents he should do well.(只要父母给点鼓励,他应该会干得很好。)
  • 19、Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support andencouragement.(最后,在孤儿院,皮涅达开始得到支持和鼓励。)
  • 20、The crowd yelledencouragement at the players.(人群大声叫喊着给运动员加油。)
  • 21、Yourencouragement will stimulate me to further efforts.(你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力。)
  • 22、It is widely accepted that giving people a hug would give them great support andencouragement.(人们普遍认为给别人一个拥抱能给予他人支持和鼓励。)
  • 23、He needs all the support andencouragement he can get.(他需要所能得到的一切支持和鼓励。)
  • 24、If you have an awful day by accident, you will come home to a bed that is made that you made and a made bed gives youencouragement that tomorrow will be better.(如果你不小心度过了糟糕的一天,你回家后会看到一张自己铺好的床。铺好的床会给你鼓励,让你相信明天会更好。)
  • 25、This is anencouragement [impetus] to us.(这是对我们的鞭策。)
  • 26、When money falls in value, there is noencouragement to save.(货币贬值时,就无法鼓励人们储蓄。)
  • 27、He brightened up at their words ofencouragement.(听到他们鼓励的话,他高兴起来。)
  • 28、Your diligence is worthy ofencouragement, but effort does not equal accomplishment.(你的勤奋值得鼓励,但努力不等于成就。)
  • 29、With theencouragement and the money provided by the teachers, they had a paper folding class every Wednesday afternoon.(在老师的鼓励和资助下,他们每周三下午都要上一节折纸课。)
  • 30、On the one hand, it is because of yourencouragement and continuous assistance that now I have obtained a splendid academic achievement in my study career, and serve as chairman of Student Union.(一方面,正是由于您的鼓励和不断的帮助,我现在在学习生涯中取得了优异的成绩,并担任了学生会主席。)


英 [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt] 美 [ɪnˈkɜ:rɪdʒmənt] 


