- 1、She has akind heart.(她有一颗善良的心。)
- 2、He was akind and courteous man.(他善良且彬彬有礼。)
- 3、His landlady was akind, homely woman.(他的房东太太心地善良,待人亲切。)
- 4、It waskind of scary, like.(这可能是有几分可怕。)
- 5、The weather was verykind to us.(天气非常宜人。)
- 6、He's a natural with anykind of engine.(他是发动机方面的天才。)
- 7、Whatkind of house do you live in?(你住的房子是哪一种?)
- 8、I can take care of yourkind.(我能对付你这类人。)
- 9、Thiskind of humour is infantile and boring.(这种幽默既幼稚又无聊。)
- 10、It'skind of creepy down in the cellar!(地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!)
- 11、They're two of akind—both workaholics!(他们俩一个样—都是工作狂!)
- 12、You've been verykind.(你真是体贴入微。) hao86.com
- 13、Fate waskind to me that day.(那天我很幸运。)
- 14、She finds solace of akind in alcohol.(她在酒精里勉强找到一点安慰。)
- 15、He's an all rightkind of guy really.(其实他这个人还可以。)
- 16、She thought himkind and generous.(她认为他宽厚仁慈。)
- 17、It waskind of you to offer.(感谢你的好意。)
- 18、It waskind of sad, really.(这真的有点伤感。)
- 19、There has to be somekind of way out.(肯定有办法解决。)
- 20、She was akind, motherly woman.(她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。)
- 21、Exercises of thiskind are very popular.(这种体育活动非常流行。)
- 22、Would you like a drink of somekind ?(您想喝点什么吗?)
- 23、She isn't thatkind of girl.(她不是那种类型的女孩。)
- 24、Whatkind of music do you like?(你喜欢什么音乐?)
- 25、Chapattis are akind of flat Indian bread.(chapatti是一种印度薄饼。)
- 26、You're making progress of akind.(你也算是有点进步的。)
- 27、I've caught somekind of lurgy.(我有点小病。)
- 28、That made me feelkind of stupid.(那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。)
- 29、He's in somekind of trouble.(他遇到了什么麻烦。)