


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:39:53

  • 1、But don't call it a Ponzi scheme. That'sunkind. Shame on you.(但不要称此为庞氏骗局。那是刻薄的,令人惭愧。)
  • 2、No one has anunkind word to say about him.(没人用不善之辞谈论过他。)
  • 3、Herunkind remark bruised his feeling.(她的不友好的话伤害了他的感情。)
  • 4、All last summer he'd beenunkind to her.(去年整个夏天他都对她不友好。)
  • 5、The weather wasunkind to those pipers who played in the morning.(天气对那些早晨吹奏管乐器者来说并不妙。)
  • 6、HISTORY has beenunkind to the Barbarians.(历史对于野蛮人是无情的。)
  • 7、Don't you think it's a littleunkind to gloat over your competitor's failure?(你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?)
  • 8、I think it's veryunkind of you to make up stories about him.(我认为你编造关于他的故事是很不友好的。)
  • 9、unkind critics question Ms Sotomayor's intellect.(那些刻薄的批评家们怀疑索托马约尔女士的智商。)
  • 10、“I hate to admit it, but he isunkind and unsympathetic to people, ” she said, as I recall.(“我不愿承认这一点,但他对人冷酷无情,”据我回忆她如此说道。)
  • 11、Unlike other Ets, they wereunkind.(不像其他外星人,他们非常不和善。)
  • 12、Most people usually walk away when someone isunkind to them.(当有人对他们不好时,大多数人通常会走开。)
  • 13、With a daughter you love, you wereunkind.(对一个你爱的女儿,你是不友善的。)
  • 14、She was the butt of some veryunkind jokes.(她受到了刻薄的嘲弄。)
  • 15、It would beunkind to go without him.(甩掉他那就太不够朋友了。)
  • 16、She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have anunkind bone in her body.(她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的气质。)
  • 17、He was never actuallyunkind to them.(其实他从没有对他们不好。)
  • 18、But their goodness is so thorough that it may inspire someunkind thoughts.(但是他们太过善良以至于可能会引来一些不好的揣测。)
  • 19、It seems kind of unfair, and a littleunkind.(这好象有点太不公平了。而且也太不近人情了。)
  • 20、When someone isunkind to you, try responding with gentleness.(当有人对你并不友善,试着回以亲切。)
  • 21、He said many harsh andunkind things about his opponents.(他说了许多关于他对手的严厉且残酷的话。)
  • 22、You married thatunkind and unkingly uncle of mine so soon after my father 's death.(你在我父亲去世后这么快就嫁给我那个心怀不仁、不配当国王的叔叔。)
  • 23、You write anunkind message about someone, intending to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you're discussing.(你打了一段关于别人的坏话打算发给朋友,但却不小心把它发给了你在讨论的那个人。)
  • 24、History has beenunkind to the old conventional wisdom.(历史对古老的传统智慧并不友善。)
  • 25、Of course, you do not need any reminders that nature is oftenunkind to Indonesia.(当然,你们无需别人提醒,大自然对印尼往往是不友善的。)
  • 26、It's not in his nature to beunkind.(他天生不会刻薄。)
  • 27、You cannot laugh and beunkind at the same time.(你不能又嘲讽又施以同情。)


英 [ˌʌnˈkaɪnd] 美 [ʌnˈkaɪnd] 

比较级: unkinder 最高级: unkindest 名词: unkindness

