


更新时间:2024-06-03 01:40:46

  • 1、I had nograndparent to stand proudly for me.(没有祖父母会为我自豪地站起来。)
  • 2、Parents andgrandparents who wish to visit their family in Canada can also apply for the parent andgrandparent Super Visa.(那些希望来加拿大探访家人的父母和祖父母们也可以申请父母与祖父母超级签证。)
  • 3、Almost everygrandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices.(几乎每个祖父母都想和孙辈在一起,并愿意为他们做出牺牲。)
  • 4、An estimated 6m British people have an Irish parent orgrandparent.(大概有600万的英国有都有一个爱尔兰的父母或祖父母。)
  • 5、One month ago, I became agrandparent for the first time which I always wanted my children get another thing to do in life.(一个月前,我做了爷爷,第一次,这是我一直希望我的孩子,做的事情。)
  • 6、In some cases, entire families are surviving on the pension of agrandparent.(甚至,有些家庭仅能依靠祖父母的养老金维持生计。)
  • 7、The remaining 22% lived in the home of another family member (such as agrandparent, in-law or sibling), a non-relative, or in group quarters like college dormitories.(剩下的22%住在另一个家庭成员家里(如祖父母、姻亲或兄弟姐妹),非亲属成员家里,或是像大学宿舍一样的集体宿舍。)
  • 8、Every parent has only one child and everygrandparent has only one grand-child.(一个家庭只有一个孩子,而祖父母只有一个孙子。)
  • 9、As agrandparent, our parenting modeling continues.(作为一个祖父母,我们的养育建模继续。)
  • 10、Ask agrandparent about their childhood.(向你的祖父母打听他们的童年。)
  • 11、Help your child send an email to agrandparent, aunt, or uncle.(帮孩子给爷爷奶奶或叔叔阿姨发电子邮件。)
  • 12、Often agrandparent could perform the role of main carer.(祖父母经常起到主要照顾者的作用。)
  • 13、This directory has a parent and “grandparent” directory, as we’ll see later. And pwd shows the directory’s absolute pathname(我们在后面将会看到,这个目录有父和“祖父”目录。)
  • 14、I mean, my cousin and I both share agrandparent.(我的意思是,我和我的表姐是同一个祖母。)
  • 15、The traditional image of an oldgrandparent is out-of-date and out-of-touch.(传统的老年祖父母在这里已经过时并脱离现实。)
  • 16、Part of its mission would be to promote the risks and realities associated with being agrandparent.(它的部分使命将是宣传作为祖父母的风险和现实。) (好工具
  • 17、But I have yet to see a ruse that can shut up a parent orgrandparent.(但我还没有看到一个可以使父母或祖父母闭口不言的策略。)
  • 18、She was my lastgrandparent and I was her only grandchild.(她是我最后一位祖母,我是她唯一的外孙。)
  • 19、This model worked for our parents orgrandparent and more obviously for Corporate America.(这一模式为我们的父母或祖父母、企业界更加明显。)
  • 20、The toddler walked into it as the mother talked to agrandparent who works at the bank.(当妈妈与在银行工作的爷爷聊天时,小女孩走进了金库。)
  • 21、I'm not agrandparent, thank god.(我不是祖父,谢天谢地。)
  • 22、These days, the family gatekeeper may be a mother or a father, agrandparent, a housekeeper or a nanny.(在这段时间里,家庭的“营养守护者”或者是母亲、父亲、祖父母、管家或者保姆。)
  • 23、If you dream of being agrandparent you will have a happy domestic life with minimal problems.(如果您的梦想正在一祖父母您将有一个愉快的家庭生活与最低限度的问题。)
  • 24、An estimated 6m people in britain-almost one-and-a-half times Ireland's population-have an Irish parent orgrandparent.(估计有六百万英国人——几乎是爱尔兰人口的一倍半——的父母或祖父母中有人是爱尔兰人。)
  • 25、Agrandparent can help with the household chores as well as child care.(祖父母可以帮忙打理家务以及照顾小孩。)
  • 26、I'm agrandparent - seven times over!(我已是第七次做祖父了!)


英 [ˈgrænpeərənt] 美 [ˈgrænperənt] 

形容词: grandparental 名词: grandparenthood

