


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:30:44

  • 1、Both popular and high-brow.(都是流行的和文化修养高的。)
  • 2、"We don't want a society", he said with a furrowedbrow, "where you cannot go walking with your child or your poodle without risking an attack."(“我们不想要一个这样的社会。”他皱着眉说,“在这里你根本无法保证与你的小孩或狮子狗散步时不受到攻击。”)
  • 3、His wavy hair was too long and flopped just beneath hisbrow.(他的波浪式头发太长了,正好垂在他的眉毛下。)
  • 4、Hisbrow has acquired its first wrinkle.(他的额头已出现第一条皱纹。)
  • 5、Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched mybrow.(之后吻了下去,轻轻地摸了摸我的眉。)
  • 6、One darkbrow rose in surprise.(一道乌黑的眉毛惊奇地挑起。)
  • 7、"You ask him some questions," he said to the others, wiping his dampbrow.(“你们问他几个问题吧。”他对其他人说,擦了擦额头上湿漉漉的汗。)
  • 8、Standing still and cooling hisbrow, he saw a boy running down the hill at topmost speed.(他站着一动不动,冷却着发热的额头,看见一个男孩以最快的速度从山上跑下来。)
  • 9、The nurse mopped his feveredbrow.(护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。)
  • 10、They are to be admired and pitied, as one would pity and admire a being at once night and day, without eyes beneath his lashes but with a star on hisbrow.(我们应当赞美并怜悯他们,正如我们同时日夜怜悯又赞美一个人,在他的睫毛下面没有眼睛,只有一颗星星在额上。)
  • 11、Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.(斯佩罗正在缩减开支,她不再去内曼•马库斯百货公司,而是去位于克利夫兰郊区家中附近的迪拉德百货公司购物。)
  • 12、By the sweat of yourbrow, shall you get bread to eat. So knowledge or wisdom or perhaps moral freedom seems to come at a very high price.(你必须汗流满面,才得以糊口。所以,获取知识、智慧和道德自由似乎需要极大的代价。)
  • 13、Herbrow furrowed in concentration.(她眉头紧锁全神贯注。)
  • 14、He wiped hisbrow with the back of his hand.(他用手背擦了擦额头。)
  • 15、A straight or flatbrow complements an elongated face.(直眉或是平坦的眉毛能弥补长脸的不足。)
  • 16、I know whosebrow she has!(我知道她的额头长得像谁!)
  • 17、She received the name as she received the water from the clouds upon herbrow when it rained.(她接受了这个名字,正如她在下雨时,额头接受了从天而将的雨水一样。)
  • 18、When forty winters shall besiege thybrow.(当四十个严冬围攻你的眉梢。)
  • 19、You can wipe the sweat from yourbrow because most of the hard work is done.(你可以擦掉额头的热汗了,因为大部分艰难的工作已经搞定了。)
  • 20、She mopped his feveredbrow.(她擦了他那发烧的前额。)
  • 21、The path disappeared over thebrow of the hill.(小径过山顶后消失了。)
  • 22、But I know whosebrow she has!(但我知道她的额头长得象谁!)
  • 23、Hisbrow resting on his paw, he pondered long and deeply.(他用爪子支着额头,沉思了许久。)
  • 24、Sad, yes, sad thoughts of thee my heart doth swell, And burning recollections throng mybrow!(是的,对你的思念使我的心浮肿,我的前额充斥着燃烧的回忆!)
  • 25、He wrinkled hisbrow in concentration.(他全神贯注地锁紧眉头。)
  • 26、He was on the lookout just below thebrow of the hill.(他就在山顶之下放哨。)
  • 27、Hisbrow again furrowed with effort.(他又皱起了眉头。) 【hao86.com好工具】


英 [braʊ] 美 [braʊ] 


