
Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:29:14

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的Chinese medicine的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条Chinese medicine的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了Chinese medicine的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、All these actions are similar to theChinese medicine, which are several kinds of ingredients.(这些举措都类似中药,是好几味药。)
  • 2、The hospital of traditionalChinese medicine installed a computer to fill prescriptions.(中医医院装上了电子计算机来抓药。)
  • 3、Rheumatism is often a chronic disease.I'll give you someChinese medicine.(风湿病往往是一种慢性病,我给你开一些中药。)
  • 4、The present invention relates to a new prescription ofChinese medicine for curing hepatitides.(本发明涉及一种治疗肝炎的新中药处方。)
  • 5、I’ll give you someChinese medicine to relieve your pain.(我给你开些止痛的中药。) 【好工具】
  • 6、'As a whole,Chinese medicine is relatively safe,' she says.(她说:“从整体来看,中医是相对安全的。”)
  • 7、I'd like to studyChinese medicine, and bring it back here.(我愿意学习中医中药,然后带回祖国。)
  • 8、The objective is to observe the clinical effect of Shuguanling (Chinese medicine for dredging the oviduct) on salpingemphraxis sterility.(为了观察疏管灵(一种疏通输卵管的中药)治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症的临床疗效。)
  • 9、Their scam is selling fakeChinese medicine to old people.(他们的骗局是卖假中药给老人。)
  • 10、TraditionalChinese medicine held that so-called "fragrant meat" from dogs could fortify one's health.(传统的中医认为这种所谓的来自于狗身上的“香肉”可以强身健体。)
  • 11、Mai also learned about cooking, health, traditionalChinese medicine, ikebana and music at the college.(此外,阿婆在老年大学还学习了美食、保健、中医、插花和音乐等。)
  • 12、I even visited a famous traditionalChinese medicine hospital.(我甚至参观了一家著名的中医医院。)
  • 13、You can also talk about the benefits of TraditionalChinese medicine.(你可以谈论中药的好处。)
  • 14、A I'm trying to find a goodChinese medicine shop.(A我想找一家好的中药店。)
  • 15、They rely onChinese medicine to ward off illness and manage chronic problems.(他们依赖中药来预防小病痛,并治疗慢性疾病。)
  • 16、YetChinese medicine is no more than a palliative.(然而,中药仅仅只是一个舒缓疗法。)
  • 17、Doctors also gave him antidepressants and traditionalChinese medicine.(医生还对他使用了抗抑郁药和中药。)
  • 18、TraditionalChinese medicine is often called TCM.(中药经常被称为TCM。)
  • 19、TraditionalChinese medicine is really miraculous!(传统中医真的是个奇迹!)
  • 20、Conventional medicines failed to clear the skin problem, so she triedChinese medicine.(由于常规药物无法治愈这种皮肤病,所以她想尝试一下中医治疗。)
Chinese medicine基本释义

Chinese medicine

英 [tʃaɪˈni:z ˈmedisin] 美 [tʃaɪˈniz ˈmɛdɪsɪn] 

