
medicine man

medicine man造句

更新时间:2024-06-17 11:57:37

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的medicine man的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条medicine man的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了medicine man的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、A traditional medicine-man fills a small barn with herbal smoke, creating an extremely relaxing atmosphere.(一个传统巫医将草药烟雾充满在一个小棚内,制造出一种非常松驰的氛围。)
  • 2、Jack is re-taken prisoner by Joaquin, an evilmedicine man who is the Keeper of the Badlands.(杰克再由华金,一个邪恶的人谁是药品的荒地守护者的俘虏。)
  • 3、But there was a greatmedicine man in the neighborhood.(但是,邻近有一位医术高明的人。)
  • 4、He is amedicine man.(他是个巫医。)
  • 5、Themedicine man is played by Hadi Subiyanto, a flute player the filmmakers found in Jakarta.(这们药师就由哈迪.\n苏比安图扮演,电影制作人在雅加达找到的一位长笛演奏者。)
  • 6、Edmonds also played Logray, the Ewokmedicine man.(埃德蒙兹还扮演了伊渥克族巫师洛格雷。)
  • 7、I didn't want to worry him, but a few days later I finally rolled up my pants leg on Ketut Liyer's porch, peeled off the yellowing bandage, and showed my wound to the oldmedicine man.(我不想让赖爷担心,但几天后我终究在他的阳台上卷起裤腿,撕去泛黄的绷带,让老药师看我的伤口。)
  • 8、Lastly, I was invited by an elderlymedicine man to come and live with him in Indonesia.(最后还有,一位老药师邀我去印尼同住。)
  • 9、An acquaintance of Logray, the Ewokmedicine man, Kaink was also skilled in the mystic ways of the forests.(作为伊渥克巫师洛格雷的老朋友,卡茵克也擅长神秘的森林法术。)
  • 10、Our Yoga teacher had told us in advance that we could each bring one question or problem to themedicine man, and he would try to help us with our troubles.(我们的瑜伽老师事先已告诉我们,每个人可以向药师提一个问题,他会尽力帮我们解决。)
  • 11、Themedicine man is a biological toxin production, research and drug development in one of the bio-pharmaceutical companies.(人本药业是集生物毒素生产、研究、药物开发于一体的生物制药企业。)
  • 12、The other day themedicine man told me that he knows sixteen different meditation techniques, and many mantras for all different purposes.(有天药师告诉我,他懂得十六种不同的禅坐法,以及切合不同需要的多种咒语。) (好工具
  • 13、What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine or any other science?(科学态度的本质是什么,研究和应用物理、生物、化学、地质、工程、医学或其他科学的人的态度是什么?)
  • 14、"Ketut, why is life all crazy like this?" I asked mymedicine man the next day.(“赖爷,人生何以如此疯狂?”隔天我问我的药师。)
  • 15、Themedicine man who taught me the most was Abdullah.(指点我最多的医生是阿卜杜拉。)
  • 16、We can imagine, unless the way of Xiang, how does the Archaianmedicine man grasp and understand all kinds of physiological and pathological phenomenon?(可以设想,如果不是通过象,古代的医学家如何去认识和把握各种生理、病理现象?。)
  • 17、Tea, Lois? It's a calming herbal blend. I learned it from amedicine man in Fiji. The secret is the fresh mint.(喝茶么,露易斯?这是镇定草药的混合。我从斐济一个药商那儿学来的。秘诀是这个新鲜的薄荷。)
  • 18、I explained to themedicine man that I've been having the same horrible nightmare since childhood, namely that there is a man with a knife standing next to my bed.(我跟药师说明自己从小以来所做的同一个噩梦:一名男人持刀站在我的床边。)
  • 19、Strong man though he was, there is no doubt that he had behaved rather foolishly over the medicine.(虽然他是个坚强的人,但毫无疑问,他在服药方面表现不佳。)
  • 20、In Bali, her final destination, she planned to devote herself to prayer, studying under a wizenedmedicine man named Ketut.(到了旅途的终点站-巴里岛,在一名叫凯图,面容枯槁的男人指导下她打算终身信教。)
  • 21、To help the children, Deej and his sons sought advice from Logray, the Ewokmedicine man.(为了帮助他们,迪吉和他的儿子们去向伊渥克巫医洛格雷征求意见。)
  • 22、Amedicine man also lives in the Ewok village, a keeper of mystical lore, and a healer to the injured.(伊沃克人村落里还有一名巫医,通晓神秘的知识,负责治愈伤患。)
medicine man基本释义

medicine man

英 [ˈmedisin mæn] 美 [ˈmɛdɪsɪn mæn] 

