
come to tea

come to tea造句

更新时间:2024-06-03 12:30:56

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的come to tea的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条come to tea的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了come to tea的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I had not yet told Dora about the changes in my life, because I had not wanted to explain it all in a letter, but today she was visiting Julia Mills and was expecting me tocome to tea.(我还未曾告诉朵拉我生活中的变化,因为我不想仅以一封信解释这一切。而今天她要来看看朱莉亚·米尔斯,并约我一起喝茶。)
  • 2、Dad told me: Come on, boy, you have to drink a bubble tea bar your hands!(爸爸叫我:来,孩子,你也喝一口你亲手泡的茶吧!)
  • 3、Sussing out the culture of a workplace (whether they all make tea for each other, for example) is really important when you come to look for work.(当你准备参加工作时,留心办公室的文化(比如他们是否会帮别人泡茶)是非常重要的。)
  • 4、A: Do you want to come in for some tea?(你要不要进来喝个茶呢?)
  • 5、The two of them walked to a nearby café, and for the first time since my father had come to Sudan someone brought him a cup of tea and lunch.(他们两人一起走进了附近的咖啡馆,而这也是我父亲来到苏丹之后第一次有人给他端来一杯茶和午餐。)
  • 6、Grinding tea, Hakka people's traditional tea custom, has come down to us as Chinese tea custom from ancient times.(擂茶是中国客家人的传统饮茶习俗,也是中国古代饮茶习俗的延续。)
  • 7、We come upon a small caravan camper with its door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits.(我们遇到了一辆小型的大篷露营车,它的门开向一对中晚年的苏格兰夫妇,他们正坐在折叠桌旁,拿着茶和饼干。)
  • 8、Miss it every day, a cup of warm milk tea, milk tea's sweetness and density, not everyone can come to understand the.(每天都想念那一杯温热的奶茶,奶茶的甜度和密度,不是所有人都能体会了的。)
  • 9、Do you agree, if you are free, tocome to tea with me by the sea?(如果你有空,你同意跟我到海边去喝茶吗?)
  • 10、Why do not youcome to tea tomorrow afternoon?(明天下午你来喝午茶好吗?)
  • 11、We asked our neighbours to come for tea.(我们邀请邻居来喝茶。)
  • 12、Every spring, before the traditional Qingming Festival, tea lovers from all over the country come to Longjing, a village just south of West Lake, for the first cut of top-quality tea.(每年春天,传统节日清明到来之前,爱茶者们会从全国各地奔赴西湖南面的龙井村,只为赶上最优质茶叶的初次采摘。)
  • 13、I had to come to the sitting room, see if there are other things, of the sitting room is very clean, the sofa is very clean, on tea table is also very clean, really is a spotless.(我只好来到客厅,看看有没有其它的事做,客厅的地很干净,沙发上很干净,茶几上也很干净,真可以称得上是一尘不染。)
  • 14、Fauna: Now, come to have a nice cup of tea, dear. I'm sure it will work out somehow.(芳娜:噢,亲爱的,过来喝杯茶吧。我相信事情总会有解决办法的。)
  • 15、Sister Mary chose that moment to come in with the tea.(正当此时,玛丽修女把茶端来了。)
  • 16、Today, people come here to catch up with friends, and of course, like this Iraqi policeman, to drink tea.(今天,人们来这里交朋友,当然,也有人就像这位伊拉克警察一样是来喝茶的。)
  • 17、'In the summer I sometimes get up before it's light, watch the sun come up, make a cup of tea, read a book, listen to birds... it's wonderful, really tranquil.'(夏天,我有时候会在天亮前就起来,看着太阳升起,泡一杯茶,读一本书,听鸟儿歌唱……这真是太美了,真的很宁静。)
  • 18、Mother: Because Professor and Mrs Boffin willcome to tea this afternoon.(母亲:因为今天下午伯菲教授和太太来喝茶。)
  • 19、A: Would you and your wife care to come to our place and have tea with us some afternoon?(您和您太太找个下午到我家来喝茶好吗?)
  • 20、Catherine, unless we are to have cold tea, please to come to the table, 'interrupted Linton, striving to preserve his ordinary tone, and a due measure of politeness.(“凯瑟琳,除非我们是要喝冷茶,不然就请到桌子这儿来吧。”林惇打断说,努力保持他平常的声调,以及相当程度的礼貌。)
  • 21、The women said that during the boom years, tea traders from Guangdong Province would come to their village and buy up everyone's harvest. But last year, they simply stopped showing up.(这些妇女说,在景气年份,广东的茶商会到村子里收茶,但是去年,他们就不再出现了。)
  • 22、True love such as tea, not to say that come out, but the product.(真爱如茶,不是说出来的,而是品出来的。)
  • 23、The benefits appear to come from antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which are plentiful in tea.(喝茶的好处在于茶叶富含一种叫做茶多酚的活性抗氧化成份。)
  • 24、"Do you wish to have a cup of tea?" a friendly and polite way of speaking is welcome. Do you wish to speak perfect English? Come with us!(“你需要一杯茶吗?”礼貌的说话方式总是会让人很舒服。你希望自己会说一口舒服的英语吗?那来加入我们吧!)
  • 25、Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you.(你刚开口说由哪儿来的时候,一杯很热的浓茶,就递在你的下巴边上。)
  • 26、There is also a nice canteen in the RSL. Some come here to drink some tea in a warm and comfortable atmosphere.(俄罗斯国立馆里还有个很棒的餐厅,有人来这里专门为在温暖舒适的环境中喝杯茶。)
come to tea基本释义