


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:05:05

  • 1、He said: 'I never go to places where crowdscongregate.(他说,“我从来都不去人群密集的地方。”) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 2、Mullets, crabs, rays and small fishcongregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier.(胭脂鱼,螃蟹,鳐,小鱼等聚集在数以千计的阿拉巴马岸口。)
  • 3、All the big gamecongregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.(所有的大型野兽都聚集在这里,鸟类尤其丰富。)
  • 4、It is a time for familymembers and loved ones tocongregate and enjoy the full moon - anauspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck.(在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。)
  • 5、Follow the evacuation routes provided. If you need a place to stay,congregate care information will be provided.(按照指定路线撤离。如果没有其他地方可去,公共安置地点的信息会提供给大家。)
  • 6、One hot spot is the Spotted Pig in Greenwich Village, where startup typescongregate.(一个热门的地点是格林尼治村的花猪,创业类的人们聚集在那里。)
  • 7、Young people oftencongregate in the main square in the evenings.(年轻人傍晚时经常聚集在大广场上。)
  • 8、Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys wouldcongregate in his study during their recreation time, playing CARDS or games.(伊尔·蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。)
  • 9、When it rains, the adults emerge andcongregate to mate at temporary ponds.(下雨时,成年企鹅们会出现并聚集在临时出现的水塘里进行交配。)
  • 10、Cattlecongregate during a storm.(在暴风雨中,牲口聚集在一起。)
  • 11、As you've probably realized by now, most stocks tend tocongregate in the two boxes above.(正如您所可能实现的,现在,大部分的股票往往聚集在这两个箱以上。)
  • 12、Looming a point will light up a bulk, which is the living picture of so called "congregate effect".(做活一个点,照亮一大片,牵一发而动全身。这就是“点式效应”的生动写照。)
  • 13、Infection control for airborne pathogens must improve in hospitals and othercongregate settings, especially where HIV/AIDS is widespread.(在医院和其他人群聚集的地方,特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病传播的环境中,必须改进对经空气传播的病原体的感染控制。)
  • 14、When the process parameters are not appropriate, the oxide and impuritycongregate between the layered microstructures.(当工艺参数不恰当时,该区域层间易产生氧化物和杂质物的富集。)
  • 15、Because starscongregate at a galaxy's centre, the metallicity in most nearby spirals is greatest there and drops toward the edge.(因为恒星聚集在星系的中心,其附近的金属丰度最高并沿边缘方向逐渐降低。)
  • 16、When groups of childrencongregate to play, Callie does not join them.Even at home, she is quiet and withdrawn.(一群孩子雀跃着玩耍时,卡莉不会参与进去。)
  • 17、Peoplecongregate to listen me speak.(大部分人聚集在一起听我演说。)
  • 18、There is no open area where the possessors at this rude village mightcongregate .(没有什么空旷之地可以供这些原始村民集合开会。)
  • 19、It is a temple to NASCAR, where 168,000 of the faithfulcongregate for the biggest race of the season.(这里是纳斯卡赛车的圣殿,每年有16.8万名“信徒”聚在这里观看当赛季最大规模的比赛。)
  • 20、Round table is King Arthur's famed table in the Arthurian legend, around which he and his Knightscongregate.(圆桌是亚瑟王传奇中亚瑟王的著名桌子,他和他的骑士们经常围桌而坐。)
  • 21、The idea is that the spheres will adhere to platelets and help themcongregate into a clot.(其创意在与这些球体粘在血小板上,并且帮助血小板聚集凝血。)
  • 22、Starscongregate most tightly at the galaxy's center, so the life-giving heavy elements they create are most plentiful there.(众多恒行最紧密地聚焦在银河系中心,因此它们创造出赋予生命的重元素在那里也最丰富。)
  • 23、Believe it or not, there are locations on this planet where free peoplecongregate.(不管你信还是不信,这个世界上就是有这么一群自由职业的人。)


英 [ˈkɒŋgrɪgeɪt] 美 [ˈkɑ:ŋgrɪgeɪt] 

形容词: congregative 名词: congregativeness 过去式: congregated 过去分词: congregated 现在分词: congregating 第三人称单数: congregates


