


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:04:17

  • 1、McDonald said that timbercrisps and houses were sunk into the ground to create piers and cliffs.(麦克唐纳说,把木材的片料和房子也埋进地里是为了构建支墩和堤岸。)
  • 2、I don't really like chocolate, but I eat a lot ofcrisps.(我真的不太喜欢巧克力,但我会吃很多薯片。)
  • 3、A chemical which causes cancer has been found in a huge range of foods including bread,crisps and baby food.(在成千上万种食品包括面包,薯片和婴儿食品中发现一种致癌物质。)
  • 4、This will help prevent you from inhaling three bags ofcrisps and a bucket of nuts when you sidle up to the bar.(这将帮助你避免在酒吧是吃下3袋薯片和一桶坚果。)
  • 5、The first such labels appeared on packets of Walkerscrisps in April.(此类标签首次出现在沃尔克斯(Walkers)的炸薯片的包装上。)
  • 6、Don't eat thesecrisps any more.(别再吃这些薯片了。)
  • 7、The process of calculating the carbon footprint for Walkerscrisps revealed an unexpected opportunity to save energy.(对沃克斯薯片量定碳足迹的过程出其不意地显示出一个节约能源的有利可能。)
  • 8、This book gives examples of how one small action, such as making potatocrisps, puts people in danger.(这本书举例说明了一件小事,比如做薯片,是如何把人置于危险之中的。)
  • 9、I'd like somecrisps.(我想要些薯片。)
  • 10、However, it says that they should seek to cut down on fatty foods such as chips andcrisps as part of a balanced diet.(然而,它说为了健康饮食,他们会尝试少吃高脂肪的食品,如薯条和薯片。)
  • 11、It is just the right size to fit in a lunch box, next to thecrisps.(而且它大小适中,刚好可以挤进午餐盒里,紧挨着薯片。)
  • 12、"Zebra chip", as this disease is known, causescrisps to develop stripes, and growers and crisp-makers alike are worried.(该病被称为“斑马片”,能够引起马铃薯片产生斑纹。对此,马铃薯种植者和薯片生产商都很担心。)
  • 13、He said that manufacturers ofcrisps and candies could play a central role in the Change4life campaign, the centerpiece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness.(他说,薯片和糖果制造商可以在“改变生命”运动中发挥核心作用,这是政府努力促进健康饮食和健身的核心。)
  • 14、Overweight since childhood, Zoe piled on the pounds after scoffing bread,crisps and other fatty food.(由于贪吃面包、薯片等高脂食品,佐伊从小到大都是个胖人。)
  • 15、Storekeepers in tiny, unlit shops sellcrisps, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, apples and Pepsi in dusty-topped bottles – and stare.(在光线黯淡的小店里,店主出售炸薯片、雪茄、香烟、苹果,还有瓶子上积满灰尘的百事可乐,他照样盯着我们看。)
  • 16、Found 100g of Tesco Special Flakes had the same amount of salt as 100g of Walkers Ready Saltedcrisps.(组织发现,100克的乐购特选麦片(TescoSpecialFlakes)中的含盐量与100克的沃克斯加盐薯片(WalkersReadySaltedcrisps)相同。)
  • 17、Walkers has reduced the footprint of itscrisps by 7% since the introduction of its first carbon labels.(自其引入第一份碳标签起,沃克斯减少了薯片7%的碳足迹。)
  • 18、Eli's raisincrisps, perfect for holding the Basque cheese, have risen from $6.86 to $8.35.(伊莱的葡萄饼干,适宜的增长了价格,但还没达到巴斯克奶酪的增长速度,从$6.86涨价至$8.35。)
  • 19、This machine can put thecrisps in the bags.(这台机器可以将薯片装进零食袋里。)
  • 20、The maker of sugary fizzy drinks and fattycrisps wants to expand the healthier end of its offering.(作为主打甜碳酸饮料和油腻薯片的公司,百事正期望扩大其产品的健康面。) (好工具
  • 21、Would you like some peanuts orcrisps?(你们想要些花生还是土豆片?)
  • 22、Instead of taking a bag ofcrisps for lunch, switch it for an apple. Get creative!(不用酥脆的饼干作为午餐,代之以一个苹果。)
  • 23、I'd only eat all thecrisps and ask stupid questions anyway.(无论如何,我倒是宁愿吃完所有的薯片,然后问问傻问题。)
  • 24、The flatbread crust is topped with creamy garlic sauce, chicken, and cheese. And itcrisps up perfectly in the microwave.(将这个硬面包外壳的表面涂上乳状的蒜酱油、鸡和乳酪,然后把它放进微波炉里,使它烘烤后更加脆口。)
  • 25、You can have a bag ofcrisps.(你可以得到一包薯片。)
  • 26、Empty packets of Walkerscrisps made up for 4.1 per cent of litter whilst 3.4 per cent was McDonald's packaging.(Walkers薯片的空袋子占品牌垃圾的4.1%,麦当劳的包装盒占了3.4%。)
  • 27、So if you're planning on eating an Easter egg, you shouldn't be scoffingcrisps and pastries as well.(所以,如果你打算吃复活节彩蛋,那么你不应该再去贪吃薯条和馅饼了。)


英 [krɪsps] 美 [krɪsps] 


