


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:25:06

  • 1、I saw a small boy licking an ice-creamcornet.(我看到一个小孩在吃冰淇淋蛋卷。)
  • 2、The Bride of the Waves (Clarke, Herbert Lincoln). Parts. Solocornet with Wind Band. Early 20th century.(海浪的新娘(克拉克,赫伯特·林肯)。零件。与管乐独奏短号。早在20世纪。)
  • 3、Blow ye thecornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah: cry aloud at Bethaven, after thee, o Benjamin.(你们当在基比亚吹角,在拉玛吹号,在伯亚文吹出大声,说,便雅悯哪,有仇敌在你后头。)
  • 4、Cleanout hole series can be set at thecornet from the bottom tank shell course to the bottom of the heavy oil storage tank for cleaning and draining during maintenance.(清扫孔装于重质油罐底部、清扫孔油罐可放出污水扫除内污泥。)
  • 5、He would open the door, blow "three or four or five unquestionably sweet and expert notes on acornet" -and then disappear.(他会推开门,“在短号上吹出三个、四个或者五个音符,悦耳且专业那是自不用说”——然后消失掉。)
  • 6、Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with Shouting, and with sound of thecornet, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, making a noise with psalteries and harps.(这样,以色列众人欢呼吹角,吹号,敲钹,鼓瑟,弹琴,大发响声,将耶和华的约柜抬上来。)
  • 7、Louis Armstrong was the first importantcornet player to appear in jazz.(路易斯·阿姆斯特朗是爵士乐中出现的第一位重要的小号手。)
  • 8、But the most interesting aspect about this is that if you look at those red lines at the bottom, those indicate basically a parentage of a type ofcornet that was no longer made.(但这最有趣的一处是如果你看那些底下的红线,它基本上表示某种小铜喇叭的上一代现在已没人制造了。)
  • 9、And I don't think she cared that thecornet player was actually an antiques dealer.(我觉得她根本不在乎乐队里那个吹短号的原来是个古董商。)
  • 10、The prince is a member of a group called Joint Tactical air control, or JTAC. He holds the rank ofcornet — equivalent to a second lieutenant — and serves as a forward air controller.(王子是JTAC(联合目标攻击控制员)中的一名成员。他拥有军衔-相当于少尉-前进空中控制员。) 【好工具】
  • 11、Are you the widow of the killedcornet Melekhov?(你是被杀的米列霍夫少尉的遗孀吗?。)
  • 12、I see her sitting in thecornet staring at that girl.(我看见她正坐在角落里,盯着那个女孩。)
  • 13、Soon, she and her husband replaced thecornet bags that hadpreviously been used to wrap the pralines with a beautiful gift-wrappedbox that was later patented as “the ballotin.”(很快,她和老公发明了一种漂亮的礼物包装盒来替代以前使用的包装,他们的发明最终获得了名为“theballotin”的专利。)
  • 14、The group consisted of drums, piano, trombone,cornet, and clarinet, and their first cut was called "Livery Stable Blues."(乐队中包括鼓、长号、铜管和单簧管,他们的第一首剪辑歌曲叫做“车马出租所布鲁斯”“LiveryStableBlues.”。)
  • 15、Melt the dark chocolate at the same way and place in papercornet.(黑色巧克力也以同样方式化开并且装入纸卷里。)
  • 16、With trumpets and sound ofcornet make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King.(用号和角声,在大君王耶和华面前欢呼。)
  • 17、The bus driver set her down at thecornet.(公共汽车司机在转弯处停下来让她下车。)
  • 18、That summer I performed the anthem solo on acornet for several teams in the Southeast as my son stood next to me.(那个夏天,我为几家东南部的球队用短号独奏国歌,而我的儿子就站在我的身旁。)
  • 19、Just dial the call group 3-6cornet can enjoy free local calls within the group discount.(群内通话只需拨3到6位短号即可享受群内本地通话免费优惠。)
  • 20、Welcome to Qian's Englishcornet!(钱氏英语学校英语角欢迎您!)
  • 21、He played thecornet in the school band.(他在学校乐队吹奏短号。)
  • 22、During the 1920s, Louis Armstrong became famous for his performances on the trumpet and jazzcornet.(世纪20年代,路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的小号和爵士短号演奏让他一举成名。)


英 [ˈkɔ:nɪt] 美 [ˈkɔ:rnɪt] 


