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by courtesy of造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 12:23:57

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的by courtesy of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条by courtesy of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了by courtesy of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、This programme comesby courtesy of (ie is sponsored or paid for by) a local company.(本节目由本地的一家公司提供(赞助或出资)。)
  • 2、Courtesy of the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library and Museum, Staunton, Virginia; Graphic by Steven hathaway.(由弗吉尼亚州斯汤顿伍德罗·威尔逊总统资料和博物錧提供。)
  • 3、by courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.(承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞食滋养的气味。)
  • 4、We have learnedby courtesy of Mr. Greenhow that you are one of the leading importers of Chinese chemicals and pharmaceuticals in your country.(承蒙格林豪先生介绍,我们得知你们是中国化工产品和药品的主要进口商之一。)
  • 5、I was given the job of escorting him to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.(我被安排随后护送他到地铁站,这名生活已被残酷地打乱的男子,小心翼翼地握着我的手,祝我未来生活幸福。)
  • 6、Fortunately,by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1o thousand dollars.(幸运的是,蒙它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。)
  • 7、This common courtesy is good practice in any job market, yet it's overlooked by a surprising number of job seekers.(这条普通的礼节是适用于任何求职市场的好传统,但是让人惊叹的是这个基本礼仪却被相当一部分求职者忽略了。)
  • 8、I’ve posted these 4 pictures in their room (courtesy of – a great website by the way!) and each morning after we’ve tidied up from breakfast we read them one by one.(我把这四张照片贴在他们的房间,在我们吃完早餐后,我们就一个一个地读下来。)
  • 9、On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.(双方都将简单的礼貌置之脑后,因此对于大量的消费者来说,服务随之而去。)
  • 10、The costumes of the play were suppliedby courtesy of Black Brothers.(该剧演出的服装是布莱克兄弟公司免费提供的。)
  • 11、Her friends have given Liao Jia great support. And this expedition cameby courtesy of several businesses. This is the reason for the advertisement on Liao Jia's car.(朋友们给予了廖佳无私的帮助,几家企业也给予她资金和物品的赞助,廖佳车上的广告就是这么来的。)
  • 12、Enjoy new collection of pics that we've received from concerned readers; first is a sampling of Bangkok wiring (again!), courtesy of PolarInertia, photography by Thomas kalak.(尽情享受我们最新从热心读者那里收到的新的图片集锦吧;首先是曼谷街头电线的随拍(又是泰国!))
  • 13、Image credit: Left, photo courtesy of the author; right, photo by Stephen voss.(图片来源:左为作者自拍照;右为斯蒂芬·沃斯拍摄。)
  • 14、These photos were reproducedby courtesy of the General Electric Company.(这几张照片是得到通用电气公司允许而翻印的。)
  • 15、The man’s travel partner soon came out of the bus to defend him, but her pleas to leave him alone were shouted down by the passengers (translation courtesy of Ministry of Toufu)(这个男人的同伴赶紧从巴士上出来保护他,但是对于她要求的让乘客们离开他被乘客的喊叫声盖了下来(Toufu提供的翻译))
  • 16、By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.(通过给客户打电话这样有礼的行为,我渐渐和他们建立起私交。)
  • 17、by courtesy of the mourner, he endeavors to devour the nourishing odor.(承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞食滋养气味。)
  • 18、Images courtesy of the European Space Agency. Caption by Patrick Lynch and Mike Carlowicz.(图片由欧洲空间组织提供,帕特里克·林奇和迈克·卡洛·维奇配以介绍。)
  • 19、NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team. Caption by Michon Scott.(NASA地球大观图片由耶西·艾伦和罗伯特·西蒙用NASA对地观测卫星小组的高级陆地成像仪提供,文字说明由米琼·斯科特编篡。)
  • 20、The pictures have been reproducedby courtesy of the British Museum.(承蒙大英博物馆惠允,复制了这些画。)
  • 21、As millions will have seen,by courtesy of the slow motion re-runs, the referee made a mistake.(慢动作重放后,数百万人都可以看到裁判错判了。)
  • 22、by courtesy of the time, I still did not meet you.(承蒙时光不弃,你我还是未遇。)
  • 23、NASA image by Jesse Allen, using near-real-time data provided courtesy of TRMM Science data and Information System at Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.(NASA图片采集自jesseAllen,使用戈达德宇航中心TRMM科学数据及信息系统好意提供的准实时数据。)
by courtesy of基本释义

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英 [bai ˈkə:tisi ɔv] 美 [baɪ ˈkɚtɪsi ʌv] 

蒙 ... 的好意(或准许); 由于 ... 的作用
