


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:04:08

  • 1、The feelings that she silently conveyed were not lost on him: it was contempt infused withcondescending love.(她的沉默表明并没有完全对他失望,而是一种蔑视中混和着卑微的爱。)
  • 2、You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but acondescending(你也许认为居高临下的和同事讲话可以建立你的威信,但是高傲的态度并不会让你看起来更强,反而会让你的同事憎恨你。)
  • 3、His spirit was just so mature. He could have be arrogant and haughty andcondescending and aloof, detached from the world.(他的精神世界无比成熟。他本可以很自大高傲,充满优越感,并且对人冷漠,疏离于世界。) 【好工具】
  • 4、Motrin's ads, which many mothers considered to becondescending, quickly changed how consumers described the brand.(很多妈妈认为美林的广告给人一种居高临下的感觉,很快让很多人改变了对该公司的看法。)
  • 5、I'm fed up with your money and your wholecondescending attitude.(我受够了你的钱和你整个高人一等的态度。)
  • 6、They have been patronizing andcondescending, and they haven't even heard people out.(她说:“他们一副居高临下的态度,甚至还没有听听群众的意见。)
  • 7、I patted the top of her head in thecondescending way I knew irritated the hell out of her.(我以降尊纡贵的姿态拍了她的头顶,知道这会让她气得七窍生烟。)
  • 8、Avoid any signs of criticisms or attack, and refrain from using language that is patronizing orcondescending.(避免任何批评或抨击的痕迹,不要使用傲慢或有优越感的措辞。)
  • 9、Look at thatcondescending smirk.(看那装腔作势的假笑。)
  • 10、"You're kidding, right?" said John in acondescending tone.(“你在开玩笑吧?”约翰以一种居高临下的口气说。)
  • 11、Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound socondescending.(对不起,我不是故意要让它听起来如此高深。)
  • 12、Their prose is light-hearted and nevercondescending.(他们的句子读起来很轻松,从不让人觉得他们是在屈尊俯就。)
  • 13、That may soundcondescending. But there is genuine cause for worry.(这样说听起来似乎略显高傲,但是我们着实有理由担心。)
  • 14、They can be a bitcondescending.(他们可能有点儿架子。)
  • 15、He has acondescending attitude towards women.(他对女性总是居高临下。)
  • 16、So it is easy for his opponents to paint him as acondescending liberal.(这样,他的对手轻而易举就可以将他描绘成一个屈尊的自由人士。)
  • 17、However, they merely madecondescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am.(结果意想不到的是,他们只是居高临下地抛下一句话:“真棒啊,小猎人”。)
  • 18、I oftencondescending, disdain for everything, gesticulating at home.(我常常居高临下,傲视一切,在家里指手划脚。)
  • 19、Archer's laugh lingered on his lips in a slightlycondescending smile.(阿切尔的笑声到了嘴边又变成略显屈尊的微笑。)
  • 20、Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimescondescending manner irritated many voters.(尽管如此,撒切尔的风格还是惹恼了许多选民。)
  • 21、There is only goodness and peace coming your way beloved children of god and i dont mean this in acondescending way.(只有仁慈和和平来到你们面前,神的亲爱的孩子们,我并不意味这以一种有优越感的方式。)
  • 22、Did I adequately answer yourcondescending question?(我回答得够充分了吧?)
  • 23、I am stunned some of thecondescending attitudes I've seen.(我感到震惊的居高临下的态度,我见过一些。)
  • 24、I will apologize for my pretentious andcondescending behavior.(我将对我的狂妄和盛气凌人的行为道歉。)


英 [ˌkɒndɪˈsendɪŋ] 美 [ˌkɑ:ndɪˈsendɪŋ] 

副词: condescendingly

