


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:10:22

  • 1、The "iconicbattleground" of the time was the chemotherapy ward, Mukherjee writes, "a sanitized vision of hell."(穆克吉写道,当时“理想的战场”是“化疗病房,一个清洁版的牢房”。那是典型的监牢,几乎就是监狱。)
  • 2、Schools are one suchbattleground.(学校就像是一个战场。)
  • 3、These are the "battleground" states.(这些是州是他们拼杀的“战场”。)
  • 4、As recent events in France and Denmark suggest, Europe will be a centralbattleground in this fight.(近期在法国和丹麦的事件表明,欧洲将成为这场斗争的中心战场。)
  • 5、But thebattleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.(但是战场被树木被遮挡,在小山包上观看战斗的人群只能看到一点点战场的情形。)
  • 6、The area was abattleground during the long civil war.(这个地区是长期内战的战场。)
  • 7、So far the mainbattleground has been trucking.(迄今为止,主战场一直是货车运输业。)
  • 8、Because of this, they're a treasure trove of personal information--and likely the nextbattleground for computer security.(正因为此,个人信息成为了无主之宝藏——就像电脑安全的下一处战场。)
  • 9、Recently it has become abattleground.(而最近这里却成了战场。)
  • 10、Today, thisbattleground has shifted to the hypervisor, and Linux has a clear role to play.(然而,今天战场已转移到hypervisor,并且Linux担任一个明确的角色。)
  • 11、First, however, we must win in Afghanistan - truly the decisivebattleground in this global struggle.(然而首先,我们必须在阿富汗取得胜利——现在这是这场全球斗争的关键战场。)
  • 12、It will also be abattleground in the cold war against Coca-Cola.(它也将会是对抗可口可乐的“冷战”中的一个战场。)
  • 13、If you develop software, you're in abattleground and you need to learn how to defend yourself.(如果您在开发软件,那么您就是身处战场,需要知道如何保护您自己。)
  • 14、The study of human language has been thebattleground over different theories of human nature.(人类语言的研究,是各种人性理论的重要领域)
  • 15、Indiana is one of the keybattleground states, with three House RACES out of nine looking competitive.(印第安那州是关键性的战场之一,要从9个竞争者中产生3个众议员。)
  • 16、Thebattleground is now shifting from the mean streets to suburban living rooms.(斗酒的战场已经从普通街道转移到了郊区的寓所。)
  • 17、The food industry has identified the guidelines as abattleground.(食品业已经把该指南确认为一个战场。)
  • 18、Spending is shaping up to be the mainbattleground of the next election.(开支问题正渐渐成为下届选举的主要阵地。)
  • 19、The mainbattleground was the Senate, with 315 elected members (and seven life senators).(主战场位于有着315个席位的参议院(另外有7名终生议员)。)
  • 20、The Ebro Delta, in Spain, famous as abattleground during the Spanish Civil War, is now the setting for a different contest.(西班牙的埃布罗河三角洲曾是西班牙内战期间著名的战场,现在却成了另一场竞赛的战场。)
  • 21、Viewers come away with a sense of Afghanistan's long history as abattleground for foreign interests and rival powers.(离场时,观众对阿富汗悠久的历史有一种认知:阿富汗成为国外利益集团竞相追逐,竞争对手之间相互争斗的战场。)
  • 22、The keybattleground in the near term is mobile computing.(双方近期的主战场是移动计算。)
  • 23、The IWC has become abattleground between the two camps, with each side trying to recruit allies from neutral states.(国际捕鲸委员会成为了两大阵营的战场,双方都试图从中立国家中招募盟友。)
  • 24、Onebattleground will be China.(中国将是一大战场。)


英 ['bætlɡraʊnd] 美 [ˈbætlˌɡraʊnd] 


