
be worthy of

be worthy of造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:09:35

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的be worthy of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条be worthy of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be worthy of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、If you be loved,be worthy of love.(如果有人爱你,你就该做个值得爱的人。)
  • 2、We esteem him tobe worthy of trust.(我们认为他值得信任。)
  • 3、The story of comb would notbe worthy of mention, but for a closely related word no one today associates with it.(梳子的故事不值得在这里讲,不过我们要讲一个密切相关而现在没有人想到的词。)
  • 4、How to face these are each one of us shouldbe worthy of deep reflection.(如何去面对这些是我们每一个人都应该值得深思的问题。)
  • 5、This is the educators shouldbe worthy of study and concerns.(这对于教育工作者来说是应该值得研究和关注的事情。)
  • 6、At last, a fight that mightbe worthy of my time.(最后,一次值得我为时间做斗争时刻。)
  • 7、Struggle of course is not necessarily earth-shattering, but it mustbe worthy of the heart.(奋斗的历程不一定是惊天动地,但一定是无愧于心。)
  • 8、eg:Some words are too infrequent tobe worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.(一些单词的使用频率太低,没有必要收入词典。)
  • 9、There is only one thing that I dread: not tobe worthy of my sufferings.(我只担心一件事,我怕我配不上自己所受的苦难。)
  • 10、With luck, the film willbe worthy of its name.(运气好的话,这部电影还配得上这个名字。)
  • 11、You don't need pretenses tobe worthy of your own approval.(你无需假装赢得自我的认可。)
  • 12、In 1880, German Siemens method using a power lifter, andbe worthy of the name "lift" appear formally.(1880年,德国人西门子发明使用电力的升降机,从此名副其实的“升降机”正式出现。)
  • 13、The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and tobe worthy of your own approval.(最辉煌的成就就是永不停歇地努力超越自我和追求自我认同。)
  • 14、Is money so fascinating as tobe worthy of sacrificing your life?(难道金钱真的这么有魔力,值得付出你的生命吗?)
  • 15、When one of these catches on, it's usually because it's good enough tobe worthy of the group it describes.(这类名字能流行,主要还是因为很适合描述的那群人。)
  • 16、Thought that the regime is thought tobe worthy of the name.(只有思想攻击体制才是有价值的思想名称。)
  • 17、It is filled with challenges as a scientist, because he or she has tobe worthy of the name.(作为一名科学家是充满了挑战的,因为他或她必须是名副其实的。)
  • 18、Good canbe worthy of the heart, the heart also can is worthy of the wicked.(善者可以无愧于心,恶人亦可以无愧于心。)
  • 19、And when Scholes is almost effusive with his praise, you know the recipient mustbe worthy of it.(斯科尔斯的表杨则更进一步,你知道这种表扬是有道理的。)
  • 20、These, it is dry to one company come out , bebe worthy of.(这些,对一公司来说是干出来的,是当之无愧的。)
  • 21、Thank you, Kim, it is really you for allowing me to reallybe worthy of your presence.(谢谢你,金在中,是你让我真的真的对得起你的存在。)
  • 22、Despite my natural cowardice, I knew I mustbe worthy of her.(虽然我生性懦弱,我必需配得上她。)
  • 23、Morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are tobe worthy of happiness.(道德确实不是指导人们如何使自己幸福的教条,而是指导人们如何配享有幸福的学说。)
  • 24、Life, tobe worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression.(一个有理性的人,他的生活总是积极向上的。)
  • 25、be worthy of people's trust.(对得起人民的信任。)
  • 26、So the first part of trust is BELIEF. Do you believe the other person tobe worthy of your trust?(所以说,信任的第一部分就是“相信”,你相信那个人值得你信任吗?)
be worthy of基本释义