


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:08:55

  • 1、Puree the cucumber in ablender. Mix in the yoghurt.(把黄瓜放入搅拌机打成泥,和酸奶混合在一起。)
  • 2、They're easy to grind in ablender or coffee grinder.(它们在搅拌机或咖啡研磨机里很容易被磨碎。)
  • 3、They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as common as theblender or microwave.(他们希望3D打印机在厨房能像搅拌机和微波炉一样普遍。)
  • 4、We don't look like a frog in ablender when dancing.(我们跳舞的时候才不会像个搅拌器里的青蛙,傻乎乎的。)
  • 5、Put all 3 ingredients into theblender. Cover with the lid. Process until smooth. Pour into the glass.(将3份原料放入搅拌器,盖上盖子,直至搅拌均匀,倒入玻璃杯。)
  • 6、"If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in ablender, how would you get out?" — Goldman Sachs (GS)?(“如果你缩小到一支铅笔那么大小,并且被放到一个搅拌机中,你如何逃出来?”——高盛集团?)
  • 7、You are then thrown into an empty glassblender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds.(然后被扔到了一个空的玻璃搅拌器中,搅拌刀片将在一分钟后开始转动。)
  • 8、Theblender is truly a flexible and remarkable machine.(调酒壶真是一个灵活而又非凡的工具。)
  • 9、You might think of topics as types of containers for preparing food in different ways, such as a basic frying pan,blender, and baking dish.(您可以将主题看作以不同方式准备食物的各种类型的容器,例如,最常用的平底锅、搅拌器和烘焙碟。)
  • 10、If pea doesn't crumbleblender it right in the pan.Then put potatoes and let it boil.(如果豌豆还没碎的话就在锅里搅拌一下,然后把土豆放进去煮一会。)
  • 11、Many fine cooks consistently produce wonderful meals without ever using a food processor,blender, microwave, juicer or even a coffee maker.(许多优秀的厨师不用食品加工器、搅拌机、微波炉、榨汁机甚至咖啡机就能做出美味的饭菜。)
  • 12、Add the hulled strawberries to a food processor orblender.(把草莓果实放进食品处理机或搅拌机里面。)
  • 13、The electricblender, meat grinder, and food mill take the place of a mortar and pestle in many instances.(很多时候我们都可以用电动搅拌机,绞肉器或是手磨来代替研钵和研杵。)
  • 14、Puree cucumber in ablender.(用搅拌机打成黄瓜泥。)
  • 15、Ablender that is also a food processor.(搅拌机也能加工食品。)
  • 16、blender yolks and make dough from them, add sugar powder and flour, then add some curd.(把蛋黄打匀,用它们做面团,加入糖粉和面粉,然后加入一些凝乳。) 【好工具】
  • 17、In 1952, the "Waringblender experiments" of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase confirmed DNA as the genetic material.(1952年,阿尔弗雷德·赫尔希和玛莎·蔡斯的“沃林混合实验”证实了DNA是遗传物质。)
  • 18、Now that it's caught in acosmicblender, its dust lanes are being stretched and warped by thetug of gravity.(现在它被一个宇宙绞碎机抓住了,它的尘埃带在重力的拖拉之下正在被拉长和扭曲。)
  • 19、Now pour the whipping cream into the processor/blender.(现在往食品处理器/搅拌机里倒入淡奶油。)
  • 20、Nowblender yolks and make dough from them, sugar powder and flour, then add some curd.(现在把蛋黄调匀,混入用糖粉和面粉揉成的面团里然后再加一些豆腐。)
  • 21、Just toss a cup of berries—strawberries, blueberries, raspberries—and a sliced (but not peeled) apple, peach, or pear into yourblender.(把一杯浆果——草莓、蓝莓、树莓——和一片切片(但不去皮)的苹果、桃子、或梨放入你的搅拌机。)
  • 22、You will need ablender — duh — and some ice.(你需要一台搅拌器——噢——还要些冰块。)
  • 23、If you have ablender, pulverize them 1/2 cup at a time at top speed for about 30 seconds.(如果你有电动研磨机,那就一次放半量杯杏仁下去,用最高速研磨30秒钟。)
  • 24、Now you open up IE and the page looks like somebody put it into ablender and hit the Whip button.(现在打开IE一看,网页就像是放到了搅拌机里一样,网页内容纠结在一起。)
  • 25、Puree beans with an immersionblender or potato masher, or remove half of them and puree in a processor orblender.(将豆子放进浸泡搅拌器或马铃薯搅拌器研成糊状,或者将它们取走一半,并放入料理机或搅拌器中研成糊状。)
  • 26、In 2008blender magazine named Gainesville Florida the Best Place to Start a Band.(2008年,《blender》杂志将佛罗里达州的甘尼斯维尔(Gainesville)评为“最适合组建乐队的地方”。)
  • 27、Slowly add oil withblender on low, thoroughly emulsifying the ingredients.(缓慢加入瓜团,慢速搅拌,将原料彻底乳化。)
  • 28、GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in ablender, how would you get out?"(高盛集团:如果你被压缩到只有铅笔那么大,然后放进了搅拌机,你如何逃出来?)
  • 29、Chop 1 cucumber and puree in ablender with 4 tablespoons mint.(切碎1个黄瓜,和4大汤匙薄荷在搅拌机里搅拌成泥。)


英 [ˈblendə(r)] 美 [ˈblɛndɚ] 


