


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:28:43

  • 1、In that sense, they are closer to mammals'brains than other reptiles'brains.(从那种意义上来说,比起其他爬行动物的大脑它们更接近哺乳动物的大脑。)
  • 2、Ourbrains respond better to difficulty than we imagine.(我们的大脑对困难的反应比我们想象的要好。)
  • 3、The answer is no, becausebrains are more sophisticated than that.(答案是否定的,因为大脑要比那复杂得多。)
  • 4、Ourbrains often don't notice subtle verbal patterns, but Pennebaker's computers can.(我们的大脑通常不会注意到微妙的语言模式,但Pennebaker的电脑可以。)
  • 5、Ourbrains need a rest as much as our bodies do.(我们的大脑和我们的身体一样需要休息。)
  • 6、A growing body of research now shows that yawning is nature's way of keeping ourbrains cool.(越来越多的研究表明,打哈欠是一种让大脑保持冷静的自然方式。)
  • 7、I've been racking mybrains all morning, trying to recall where I put my gold watch.(为了回忆起我把金表放在哪里了,我整个上午都在绞尽脑汁。)
  • 8、The left side of most vertebratebrains, for example, seems to process and control feeding.(例如,大多数脊椎动物的左脑似乎负责的是处理和控制进食。)
  • 9、I mean, crocodiles'brains are the most developed of any reptile.(我的意思是,鳄鱼的大脑是所有爬行动物中最发达的。)
  • 10、We can help mendbrains and minds by removing or reducing stress.(我们可以通过消除或减少压力,来帮助修复大脑和心灵。)
  • 11、Exposure to lead is known to damage thebrains of young children.(已知接触铅会损害幼童的大脑。)
  • 12、Some show up ready, but many do not at this critical time when youngbrains are developing rapidly.(有些人已经准备好了,但许多人在年轻大脑快速发育的关键时刻还没有准备好。)
  • 13、They first implanted capsules into the animals'brains.(他们先将胶囊植入那些动物的大脑。)
  • 14、People who use the left side of theirbrains are better at math and science.(使用左脑的人更擅长数学和科学。)
  • 15、Some ducks sleep with just half theirbrains, too.(有些鸭子睡觉时也只用一半大脑。)
  • 16、Monkeys do not have any kind of protective armour and use theirbrains to solve problems.(猴子没有任何防身的盔甲,就动脑筋解决问题。)
  • 17、He was a big strapping guy but short onbrains.(他五大三粗,但头脑简单。)
  • 18、The lung buds are not found in clusters, and they do not send any signals to ourbrains.(肺部的味蕾不是成群的,而且它们不向大脑发送任何信号。)
  • 19、They were not the only ones to havebrains and ambition.(他们并非仅有的有头脑、有抱负的人。)
  • 20、During deep sleep, the participants'brains behaved in a similar manner seen in birds and dolphins.(在深度睡眠时,参与者的大脑表现与鸟类和海豚相似。)
  • 21、Theirbrains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.(研究人员对他们的大脑加以扫描,以监视病情的发展。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 22、He's got plenty ofbrains as well as brawn.(他四肢发达,头脑也不简单。)
  • 23、We know what knowledge lies in otherbrains or books, and what lies in our heads.(我们知道别人的大脑或书本里有什么知识,我们的头脑里有什么知识。)
  • 24、The first of our threebrains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex.(我们三个大脑中最先进化的是科学家们所称的爬虫脑皮质。)
  • 25、Thebrains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter.(苍蝇的大脑与躲避苍蝇拍有关。)
  • 26、Theirbrains do not fall into efficiency pitfalls as much as the average person's brain.(他们的大脑不像普通人的大脑那样容易陷入效率陷阱。)
  • 27、It's true that we use different parts of ourbrains for different things.(的确,我们用大脑的不同部分来做不同的事情。)
  • 28、Birds'brains are so small compared to primates.(与灵长类动物相比,鸟类的大脑太小了。)
  • 29、Others think that the rules for what is "musical" are hardwired in ourbrains to some degree.(其他人认为,我们的大脑对什么东西是“悦耳的”在某种程度上有其内在的标准。)
  • 30、She began to rack herbrains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.(她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。)


英 [b'reɪnz] 美 [b'reɪnz] 


