
by turns

by turns造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:07:40

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的by turns的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条by turns的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了by turns的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Mary and Jane rodeby turns.(玛丽与简轮流骑。)
  • 2、They took care of their sick motherby turns.(他们轮流来照看生病的母亲。)
  • 3、We looked after the little boyby turns.(我们轮流照看这个小男孩。)
  • 4、We clean the blackboardby turns.(我们轮流擦黑板。)
  • 5、He grew pale and redby turns.(他的脸一会儿红一会儿白。)
  • 6、She talked to Elizabeth again and again; coaxed and threatened herby turns.(她一遍又一遍地说服伊丽莎白,一忽地哄骗,一忽儿威胁。)
  • 7、During the summer holidays, the teachers were on dutyby turns.(暑假期间,老师们轮流值班。)
  • 8、The scores of each factor were calculatedby turns and compared with the national norm.(逐项计算各因子分,以列表形式与国内常模进行比较。)
  • 9、The suggestion that we clean the classroomby turns is very good.(我们轮流打扫教室,这个建议很好。)
  • 10、When George had a fever, he felt cold and hotby turns.(乔治发烧的时候,感到一阵冷一阵热。)
  • 11、Let's go outby turns.(让我们轮流出去。)
  • 12、They areby turns hopeful and frightened about the future.(他们对未来悲欣交集。)
  • 13、They sang songby turns.(他们轮流唱歌。)
  • 14、Two middle body shape workby turns, which improve the production efficiency.(两个中间人像模交替工作,大大提高生产效率;)
  • 15、I was hot and coldby turns.(我一会儿热,一会儿冷。)
  • 16、The coffin was placed on the side of the mountain, and each of them watched itby turns, so that it was never left alone.(棺材就放置在山的一边,他们每个都轮流来看她,这样就不会把它独自留下。)
  • 17、They wash dishesby turns.(他们轮流洗碗碟。)
  • 18、We did the workby turns.(我们轮流做这项工作。)
  • 19、Gates had a few observations on the Internet search efforts of Microsoft and Google that were,by turns, acute, sardonic and tart.(当被问及有关问题时,盖茨对于微软和谷歌在网络搜索方面有一些敏锐又尖刻的意见。)
  • 20、It's a portrait,by turns chilling, thrilling, mysterious and terrifying, of a woman who refuses to be terrorized.(它是一幅肖像,是当环境变得阴冷肃杀、令人震颤、神秘和恐怖,一个拒绝被恐吓的女子的肖像。)
  • 21、To do or executeby turns.(轮流做,轮流进行。)
  • 22、The book is,by turns , funny and very sad.(这部书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。)
  • 23、In silence they walked back down the stairs. Hope and despair and fear tugged at themby turns.(静寂之中他们回身走下梯子,希望、绝望和恐惧轮番折磨着他们。)
  • 24、In the recent bank counter service, mostly we adopt customers waitingby turns.(在目前银行柜员服务中,大部分采用的是客户排队等候服务。)
  • 25、She went hot and coldby turns.(她一阵发热,一阵发冷。)
  • 26、Stern Stewart has protected its turf in part by tinkering with definitions of profit, in ways that areby turns sensible and dubious.(斯特恩·斯图尔特保护其草坪在部分修补的定义,利润,在方式是轮流明智的和可疑的。)
  • 27、by turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities.(这部小说以歹徒为题材,利用讽刺手法揭露了挪威社会上的偏见和缺乏安全感。)
  • 28、Bereavements and blessings, on following another, make us sad and blessedby turns. Even death itself makes life more loving.(痛苦和幸福轮番而至,让我们悲喜交集,甚至死亡都让人生更为可爱。)
by turns基本释义

by turns

轮流; 交替地
