


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:22:29

  • 1、First, the Internet has made itabsurdly easy to apply for jobs.(首先,网络使得求职申请异常简单。)
  • 2、Full disclosure: My parents have had separate rooms for the entirety of theirabsurdly happy 35-year marriage.(全面披露:我父母35年来一直都有分房睡,莫名其妙的是,他们的婚姻生活却很幸福。)
  • 3、Denver airport seemedabsurdly far from the city when it opened in 1995.(当丹佛机场在1995年启用时,远离城市似乎很荒谬。)
  • 4、Prices were stillabsurdly low, in his opinion.(在他看来,价格依然低得荒谬。)
  • 5、But the ruddy, rotund andabsurdly miscast Spencer Tracy, who had bought the rights and was co-producer, got the part.(不过作为影片联合制片人的斯宾塞·屈塞利用手中的职权获得了这个角色,对于渔夫这个角色,由矮胖红润的斯宾塞出演实在是个荒谬的决定。)
  • 6、Of course it wasabsurdly high.(价格当然高得离谱。)
  • 7、This example isabsurdly simple, like the whole solution.(这个例子跟整个解决方案一样,简单的有些不合常理。)
  • 8、These areabsurdly low figures.(这个数据低得有些可笑。)
  • 9、This is a blatant attempt to force anabsurdly liberal agenda on women when they are at their most vulnerable.(这是一个公然的企图,在女性最容易受伤害的时候,打着‘貌似自由的荒谬指导’强迫她们。)
  • 10、That worked fine for small XML documents, but for around 50k-100k files it started to becomeabsurdly slow.(这对于小型XML文档来说还算有效,但对于大约50k-100k的文件来说,这种做法就开始变得异常缓慢了。)
  • 11、Theabsurdly heroic boasts on Chuck Norris Facts may be affectionate, but will anyone take him seriously again?(《关于查克·诺里斯的事实》里面荒谬的英雄主义自夸可能看来亲切,但是谁还会再把他当回事?)
  • 12、But spelling is ancillary to a language's real complexity; English is a relatively simple language,absurdly spelled.(但是,拼写并不能完全决定一门语言的复杂程度;英语是门比较简单的语言,只是拼写很奇怪。)
  • 13、Unfortunately, it isabsurdly easy to count the ways.(不幸的是,这笔帐非常容易就可以算清。)
  • 14、Having been very blase about the whole thing, I found the realityabsurdly moving.(出于对整件事的漠不关心,我发现现实在荒谬地进行着。)
  • 15、One who damages company belongings or applies materialabsurdly to cause a waste of resources;(损坏公司财物或不合理使用物资,造成物资浪费者;)
  • 16、Why is housing soabsurdly expensive?(为什么房子贵得这么离谱?)
  • 17、Holidays are oftenabsurdly generous, but the real issue is pensions.(假期经常充足到荒谬,但真正的问题在于养老金。)
  • 18、With that gloomy assumption in mind, most of the five-minute speeches soundedabsurdly beside the point.(随着这种沮丧的思想索绕在代表们的心中,五分钟发言大多数都偏离了主题。)
  • 19、My login groovlet is alsoabsurdly simple, as you can see in Listing 4.(我的登录groovlet也是极不合理地简单,如同您在清单4中所看到的。)
  • 20、They'reabsurdly unqualified to be considered experts.(他们的专家身份本身就是不合格且荒谬的。)
  • 21、absurdly, Carrefour says it has to confirm that the chairs will not be used for the purposes of torture.(真是荒谬可笑,家乐福称,它不得不确认椅子不适合用来作为体罚的工具。)
  • 22、England's state schools have anabsurdly complex rule book for how they may and may not choose their pupils.(关于如何选择学苗,英格兰的国立学校有着极其复杂的规定。)
  • 23、The scene is ineffably,absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.(这个场景是无法言喻的感人至深,它对家庭之爱的表达是最近所有电影中最贴心的。)
  • 24、absurdly I held it and weighed it in my hand, to give myself courage.(我可笑地拿起枪,在手里掂掂,替自己壮胆。)
  • 25、Any hint at incompetence would be seized on, howeverabsurdly, as racism.(任何不称职的线索都将作为种族主义被抓住,尽管这是荒谬的。)
  • 26、A related hallmark of start-ups is theabsurdly long hours that people work at them.(与此相关就是创业型公司难以想象的工作时间。)
  • 27、Then there is theabsurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift.(除此以外,还有一个问题已经争论到了荒唐的地步,那就是捐款人能够得到什么样的好处。)
  • 28、The paintings were sold forabsurdly high prices.(那些画以高得出奇的价格售出。)


英 [əb'sɜ:dlɪ] 美 [əb'sɜ:dlɪ] 

