


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:12:14

  • 1、We wereamongst the first to say you really need to understand your epidemic.(世行是首个指出‘必需要了解艾滋病流行状况’的机构之一。)
  • 2、You are the Brotheramongst my brothers, but I heed them not. I divide not my earnings with them, thus sharing my all with you.(你是我弟兄的弟兄,但是我不理他们。不把我赚得的和他们平分,因此我和你分享我的一切。)
  • 3、The advantages of such a gas bunner amamongst others a large dynamic power range.(这种气体容器的优点尤其是大的动态功率范围。)
  • 4、This here'll take a minute. Y'all just talkamongst yourselves.(马上就好,你们先聊着。)
  • 5、The children were arguingamongst themselves.(孩子们在互相争论。)
  • 6、But who has the best squadamongst these four groups of extraordinary players?(但是这四只充满巨星的球队中,哪一支的阵容是最强的呢?)
  • 7、It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth and the space visitors may be livingamongst us.(甚至有人认为,几架这样的飞机可能已经降落在地球上,太空游客可能就住在我们中间。)
  • 8、Ralf Rangnick is stillamongst the finest coaches Germany has on offer.(拉尔夫·郎尼克依然是德国现役最好的教练之一。)
  • 9、Tom ran aboutamongst the furrows, and at last slipped into an old mouse-hole.(汤姆在犁沟里跑来跑去,最后钻进了一个废弃的老鼠洞。)
  • 10、While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue relianceamongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.(虽然法律新闻报道的质量良莠不齐,但在很多新闻记者中,存在过度依赖律师给他们提供诠释的现象。)
  • 11、Let your life comeamongst them like a flame of light, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.(让你的生命融到他们之中吧,就像一束明亮稳定的光芒,使他们欢悦而静谧。)
  • 12、At this age we marry in Romania. It is normalamongst we Gypsies.(在罗马尼亚,我们是在这个年纪结婚的,这在我们吉普赛人中是很正常的。)
  • 13、Apparently so, at leastamongst college students.(答案显然是的,至少在大学生人群中可以肯定。)
  • 14、Moraleamongst the players is very high at the moment.(此刻各选手士气高昂。)
  • 15、So the question is: were there any benefitsamongst all this death.(而问题是:在所有死伤中,有没有什么好处呢?)
  • 16、The changes in both lifestyles and attitudes are probably most easily seenamongst younger people.(生活方式和态度的变化可能在年轻人中最容易看到。)
  • 17、Who does not know that our most sorrowful days have beenamongst our best?(谁不知道我们最大的悲痛,是发生在最幸福的时候!)
  • 18、The importance level is a relative rankingamongst different workloads.(重要性级别在不同的工作负载中有相应的等级。)
  • 19、amongst the knife styles we should mention the styles of Rome, Neaples, Salerno, Calabria and Corsica.(在刀的风格中,我们应该提到罗马风格,尼普尔斯风格,萨莱诺风格,卡拉布里亚风格和科西嘉风格。)
  • 20、I found the letteramongst his papers.(我在他的文件中找到这封信。)
  • 21、You are a manamongst men.(芸芸众生中凡人一个。)
  • 22、XNA is the next sore pointamongst VB developers.(XNA是在VB开发人员当中的下一个痛处。)
  • 23、There are signs of growing disaffectionamongst voters.(选民中出现日渐不满的迹象。)
  • 24、Dottedamongst the sparse trees were a dozen low mounds.(在那些稀疏树木间,有一些很矮的土堆以点状分布。)
  • 25、We should just divide the moneyamongst ourselves," he says.(有钱就应该我们自己分了。)
  • 26、Stream restoration projects create great sense of prideamongst residents.(河流恢复项目能建立居民强烈的自豪感。)
  • 27、Students themselves, however, may not realize that when they graduate, they will be competing in a global labor market, and universities need to raise awareness of these issuesamongst undergraduates.(然而,学生自己可能没有意识到,当他们毕业时,他们将在全球劳动力市场中竞争,而大学需要加强本科生对这些问题的认识。)
  • 28、She ran aboutamongst the flowerbeds, and looked, and looked, but there was not one to be found.(她在花间跑来跑去,找了又找,但是一朵也没有找到。)


英 [ə'mʌŋst] 美 [əˈmʌŋst] 

prep. 在 ... 之中; 在 ... 之间(=among)
