
as a result

as a result造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:11:28

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的as a result的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条as a result的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了as a result的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、as a result, services have been drastically reduced.(结果,服务被大大减少了。)
  • 2、There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisenas a result of Vitamin A intake.(没有确凿证据表明摄入维生素A会导致先天缺陷。)
  • 3、as a result, they lose practice at conversation.(结果,他们失去了对话的练习。)
  • 4、Millions will face starvation next yearas a result of the drought.(由于发生旱灾,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿的威胁。)
  • 5、as a result of their compatibility, Haig and Fraser were able to bring about wide-ranging reforms.(由于意趣相投,黑格和弗雷泽能带来广泛的改革。)
  • 6、Millions of people are threatened with starvationas a result of drought and poor harvests.(数百万人因干旱和歉收正受到饥饿的威胁。)
  • 7、as a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use.(结果,可供学生使用的课本很少。)
  • 8、as a result, planes were kept in a holding pattern, sometimes three or four miles apart, until they were cleared to land.(结果,飞机均被保持在等待航线状态,有时相隔三四英里,直至它们得到降落指示。)
  • 9、as a result, there has been a shortage of coffee throughout the world.(结果,全世界都出现了咖啡短缺。)
  • 10、as a result, wind turbines now dot Denmark.(因此,现在风力涡轮机遍布丹麦。)
  • 11、These data show that most cancers are detectedas a result of clinical follow-up.(这些数据表明多数癌症是由临床随访查出的。)
  • 12、Many seabirds diedas a result of the oil spill.(许多海鸟死于这次石油泄漏。)
  • 13、as a result, nearly all these cyeads die because the living conditions have changed.(结果,几乎所有这些树都死了,因为生存环境变了。)
  • 14、2,000 prisoners diedas a result of torture and maltreatment.(两千名囚犯因拷问和虐待而死。)
  • 15、as a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they're away.(由于日益增长的对家庭安全的担心,更多人在外出时会安排个人呆在他们家里。)
  • 16、The programme is now seven years behind scheduleas a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.(该计划现在比预定的计划晚了7年,首先是因为费用增加,其次是由于技术问题。)
  • 17、as a result, 17% of its wealth went into transport costs.(结果,它17%的钱都花在了交通费用上。)
  • 18、Her reputation suffered a mortal blowas a result of the scandal.(这一丑闻毁了她的名声。)
  • 19、Her hair started falling outas a result of radiation treatment.(她的头发因放射治疗而开始脱落。)
  • 20、He made one big mistake, and,as a result, lost his job.(他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。) (好工具
  • 21、She diedas a result of her injuries.(她由于受伤而死亡。)
  • 22、Marriages usually break downas a result of the shortcomings of both partners.(婚姻常常因双方的缺点而破裂。)
  • 23、as a result, the water became very dirty.(结果水变得很脏。)
  • 24、A man has been forced to resignas a result of being pilloried by some of the press.(一名男子因被某些媒体嘲弄而被迫离职。)
  • 25、as a result, the world's forests are now facing gradual extinction.(结果,世界上的森林正面临着逐渐灭绝的处境。)
  • 26、as a result, I've built a system for myself.(因此,我为自己建立了一个系统。)
  • 27、as a result, they miss lots of valuable information.(结果,他们错过了很多有价值的信息。)
  • 28、Newspapers are less completeas a result.(报社因此变得不那么完整了。)
  • 29、as a result, it may abandon or modify some rites.(因此,人们可能会摒弃或修改一些仪式。)
  • 30、Their bodies had suffered contortionas a result of malnutrition.(由于营养不良他们的躯体都变了形。)
as a result基本释义

as a result

英 [æz ə riˈzʌlt] 美 [æz e rɪˈzʌlt] 

结果; 因此

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