


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:53:48

  • 1、Arrogance is followed by destruction, andunbridled conceitedness by depravity.(自负使人毁灭,狂妄让人堕落。)
  • 2、Memory is not heaven, not ourunbridled laugh.(记忆不是天国。由不得我们肆无忌惮的笑。)
  • 3、Whether you're in search of quiet relaxation orunbridled stimulation, Hawaii gives you the best of both.(不管你要寻找的是安静的放松或是激烈的刺激,夏威夷都可以给你最好的。)
  • 4、unbridled, love you
  • 5、unbridled, want to you.(放肆,爱伱
  • 6、放肆,想伱。)
  • 7、There's not thatunbridled enthusiasm. What we have here now is a very healthy venture base with a lot of good, young companies.(这次没有那无限的热情,我们这里有的是一个含有很多好的、年轻的公司的很健康的创业基地。)
  • 8、Do subordinates, superiors in the face ofunbridled drinking.(做下属的,最忌在上司面前肆无忌惮。)
  • 9、There I would sweep her off her feet with sheer adoration andunbridled love.(我带着纯粹的爱慕和疯狂的爱恋将她一把抱起。)
  • 10、Theseunbridled happiness, I would like to have it no longer.(这些放肆的幸福,我想以后都不会再有了。)
  • 11、In China dare tounbridled, would like to live?(在中国还敢放肆,想活吗?) 【好工具】
  • 12、"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pureunbridled joy.(但就是这“区区一只狗”为我的生命注入了友谊、信任的精华和纯粹的无拘无束的快乐。)
  • 13、Without you, I can laugh atunbridled love.(如果没有你,我也可以肆无忌惮的嘲笑爱情。)
  • 14、unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.(放纵的怒火驱使你以惊人的速度激发狂暴战斗。)
  • 15、Youth tounbridled, take some brilliant smile.(青春要放肆一点,微笑要灿烂一些。)
  • 16、To that kind ofunbridled enthusiasm, I can only smile;.(这一类的无限的热情,我只能微笑。)
  • 17、It is not the ruthless, theunbridled will; it is not freedom to do as one likes.(它不是冷酷无情,不受约束的意志;不是随心所欲的自由。)
  • 18、That is why in this literature we find such poignant, such exuberant, suchunbridled expression.(这就是我们为何能在这种文学中找到那么强烈、那么充沛、那么奔放的情感表现之所在。)
  • 19、There is anunbridled power emanating from within them now that is at its fiercest as they face the final countdown.(他们内心散发出一股无法控制的力量,这股力量极度凶猛,因为他们正在面临着倒计时。)
  • 20、I will laughunbridled, rampant cry.(我要肆无忌惮的笑,肆意妄为的哭。)
  • 21、There was a hubris that was unreal: the climate and the culture and theunbridled optimism.(当时有一种不真实的傲慢气氛:气候、文化和不受拘束的乐观主义。)
  • 22、This caginess led to countless rumors among the other patrons, and suchunbridled speculation only fed Giant Flog's reputation.(这种轻率的行为在其他顾客中引起了无数的谣言,而这种无拘无束的猜测仅助长了GiantFlog的声誉。)
  • 23、Since then, the MDC has been the victim ofunbridled retaliation.(此后,MDC成为肆意报复的牺牲品。)
  • 24、The wind blown out of the window withunbridled past, when the night comes, empty room can clearly feel his heart beating.(窗外的风肆无忌惮的吹散着往事,当黑夜来临的时候,空旷的房间内可以清晰的感受到自己的心跳声。)
  • 25、Statues are thousands ofunbridled attitudes, movement coordination, respectively, put on different mysterious gestures.(雕像们,千恣百态,动静协调,分别摆出不同的神秘手势。)
  • 26、This is because your assembly no longer has theunbridled access that it enjoyed when run from the local drive.(这是因为您的组件在本地不再拥有它曾享有的无约束的访问权限。)


英 [ʌnˈbraɪdld] 美 [ʌnˈbraɪdl:d] 

副词: unbridledly

