好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的up and down的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条up and down的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了up and down的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、She bouncedup and down excitedly on the bed.(她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。)
- 2、The children jumpedup and down to keep warm.(孩子们上下跳动保持身体暖和。)
- 3、People jog and bikeup and down there.(人们在那儿来来回回地慢跑和骑自行车。)
- 4、The performers, in costume and makeup, were walkingup and down backstage.(演员们穿着戏服化着妆,在后台走来走去。)
- 5、He jiggedup and down with excitement.(他激动得又蹦又跳。)
- 6、She was pacingup and down in front of her desk.(她在办公桌前踱来踱去。)
- 7、My relationship with him wasup and down.(我跟他的关系忽冷忽热。)
- 8、I strolledup and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi.(叫出租车前,我若有所思地来回踱步。)
- 9、Soldiers were marchingup and down outside the government buildings.(士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。)
- 10、The boat bobbedup and down on the water.(小船在水面颠簸。)
- 11、She walkedup and down, flapping her arms to keep warm.(她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。)
- 12、The car was bouncingup and down as if someone were jumping on it.(车上下颠簸,仿佛有人正在上面跳动。)
- 13、I lookedup and down the corridor.(我来回扫视着走廊。)
- 14、We bumpedup and down.(我们上下颠簸而行。)
- 15、Allup and down the street the windows bang shut.(整条街的窗户都砰砰关上了。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 16、He kept bouncingup and down like a yo-yo.(他像个悠悠球似的蹦蹦跳跳。)
- 17、I found him in the corridor nervously pacingup and down.(我发现他在走廊里焦虑不安地走来走去。)
- 18、She pacedup and down outside the room.(她在屋子外面来回走着。)
- 19、He kept pumping my handup and down.(他不停地摇动着我的手。)
- 20、The waves were about five feet high now, and the bow of the boat was leapingup and down.(浪头现在约有五英尺高,船头上下颠簸。)
- 21、This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academicsup and down the country.(这是全国学者都极为重视的话题。)
- 22、Tiny boats bobbedup and down in the harbour.(小船在港湾中颠簸。)
- 23、The boat rockedup and down in rhythm with the sea.(小船随着海浪起伏有致。)
- 24、The children were jumpingup and down with excitement.(孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去。)
- 25、He lookedup and down the rain-swept street.(他上下大量着下着大雨的街道。)
- 26、Colour this clown,up and down.(给这个小丑全身上下都涂上颜色。)
- 27、He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stompingup and down like a child.(他立刻发起脾气来,尖叫着,像孩子似的来回跺脚。)
- 28、People were paradingup and down showing off their finest clothes.(人们走来走去,炫耀着他们最漂亮的服装。)
- 29、Do you get puffed out runningup and down the stairs?(你会因为跑上跑下楼梯而气喘吁吁吗?)