


更新时间:2024-06-17 11:42:04

  • 1、Mr Aso, a former Olympic shot and a fan of manga comics, has anurbane assurance that once had widespread appeal.(他过去因其彬彬有礼和责任感强的形象而广受欢迎,曾作为射击选手参加过1976年蒙特利尔奥运会,也十分喜欢漫画。)
  • 2、An exporter not of unfairly underpriced goods but articulate andurbane CEOs as at home in New York City as in Mumbai.(不是一个不公平地压低价格商品的出口商,而是明确而文雅,在孟买如同在纽约家中一样的CEO们。)
  • 3、A gentle elephant; an exporter not of unfairly underpriced goods but articulate andurbane CEOs as at home in New York City as in Mumbai.(一只温顺的大象;不是一个不公平地压低价格商品的出口商,而是明确而文雅,在孟买如同在纽约家中一样的CEO们。)
  • 4、urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.(温文的言语是受过教育的言辞,和无知者的言论有所区别。)
  • 5、She describes him asurbane and charming.(她把他描述为温文尔雅、富有魅力。)
  • 6、Shiny, rural,urbane-pal, environment, relatives, unload, poetry, elevator.(雪亮的,农村,城市,网友,环境,亲戚,卸下,诗歌,电梯。)
  • 7、He tried hard to beurbane.(他极力作出彬彬有礼的神态。)
  • 8、Theurbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came.(当发生飓风的时候,那个文质彬彬的丹麦人坐在藤椅上用藤条责打他的儿子。)
  • 9、Despite the crisis the chairman's voice wasurbane as usual.(尽管处于危机之中,董事长的声音还象通常一样温文尔雅。)
  • 10、Mary's stunning designer dresses and witty,urbane conversation made her a popular guest at all the high-society parties.(玛莉出色的名牌服饰以及她机智、优雅的谈吐,使她成为上流社会派对受欢迎的宾客。)
  • 11、In conversation, he was suave andurbane.(谈话中他彬彬有礼且温文尔雅。)
  • 12、Though sitting in a room full of such bright, 15urbane unemployed people could be worrisome, Mr. Sam found it calming.(虽说坐在这样一群才华横溢,彬彬有礼的失业人士当中会令人不安,但他的心却觉得很平静。)
  • 13、Like tiny-footed women, theseurbane ornaments produced little and survived only with constant human upkeep.(就像缠足的妇女,这些城市的装饰品不事生产,它们能存活全赖于人类恒久的看护。)
  • 14、urbane, brainy and funny, he seemed the embodiment of Poland’s hoped-for future.(他举止得体、智慧过人且幽默风趣,这种种的优点也让他几乎成了波兰梦想的未来的化身。)
  • 15、A camp of chefs here hopes to remake Sichuanese cooking forurbane middle-class tastes, building on the core of traditional ingredients and techniques.(这里的一部分厨师希望以食材和技巧的传统核心为基础,针对讲究的中产阶级的口味改造川菜。)
  • 16、One sure sign that yoga has entered the mainstream of Western society, or at least theurbane bits of it, is that its practitioners have splintered into separate and sometimes competitive tribes.(瑜伽已经融入西方社会主流、或至少进入西方部份城市的明显证据之一,就是许多瑜伽业者已经开始分门别派,而且有时还会互别苗头。)
  • 17、You find him quite bland andurbane toward the people who would not listen to him.(他对于不听从训导的人总是和颜悦色、彬彬有礼。)
  • 18、The youthful duo's austere clothes have also become the ne plus ultra for tasteful,urbane women of all vintages.(这对年轻设计师二人组设计的风格简朴的服装也成为各年龄段品位不俗的都市女性的挚爱。)
  • 19、TRAVEL APPS Like the LGurbane, you talk to this smart watch by saying "O. K. , Google" and then making a request.(旅行应用程序:和LG城市手表一样,你能对着这款智能手表说“好的,谷歌”,然后开始下命令。)
  • 20、The sophisticated manners of a true cosmopolite;urbane and pliant... he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris.(真正的世界公民的练达方式;文雅、圆通……他甚至在巴黎的画室里都能心平气和。)
  • 21、Whether we accept Ms Mantel's reading of history or not, her characters have a lifeblood of their own, particularly theurbane Cardinal Wolsey.(无论我们是否接受曼特尔女士对历史的解读,她笔下的人物总是有着他们自己的有血有肉的生活,特别是温文尔雅的沃尔西主教。)


英 [ɜ:ˈbeɪn] 美 [ɜ:rˈbeɪn] 

副词: urbanely 比较级: urbaner 最高级: urbanest

