


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:52:18

  • 1、You may wish tovisualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.(例如,你可以想象自己更苗条,更健康或更富有。)
  • 2、"He actually got me tovisualise going through a gastric band operation," she recalls afterwards.(“实际上,他只是带领我身临其境般地经历了一次缩胃手术”事后朋友回忆说道。)
  • 3、Visulaise good.visualise all that you wish to see for the planets future.(设想美好的,设想所有你希望在星球的未来中看到的。)
  • 4、For example if on Earth you have a cherished painting, you will only have tovisualise it to re-produce it.(举个例子,如果在地球上你拥有一副珍贵的油画,而你将只需要观想就能重新创造它。)
  • 5、The trick is tovisualise gorging non-stop on the food, rather than conjuring up an appetite-whetting single image.(方法是要在脑子里不停地、狼吞虎咽地吃虚幻食品,而不是出现产生食欲的那种形象。)
  • 6、visualise them: This should be a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many people fall in this trap.(把他们具象化:这个根本不用大脑的,但是要是知道多少人在这一步就跌倒,你一定会无比惊讶。)
  • 7、Success breeds success, so if youvisualise yourself achieving something, then it will help you to do just that.(成功孕育成功,所以如果你想象自己取得了某些成绩,那么它将会帮助你做到这一点。) 【好工具】
  • 8、Many people who say they can'tvisualise at all, are still able to create elaborate fantasies.(许多人说他们根本无法观想,但他们仍能进行细致的幻想。)
  • 9、As new ways of analysing the world around us are developed, new ways tovisualise that information are needed.(由于分析我们周遭的世界的的新方法被研制出来,就可以由新的方式来形象化我们所需要的信息。)
  • 10、If we canvisualise a permanent place for green on the podium, we will all be winners.(如果我们能够在领奖台上为绿色勾画出一个永久的位置,我们就都是赢家。)
  • 11、I can only understand what I canvisualise , " he told Luria."(他告诉卢里亚说:“我只能理解我能使之形象化的东西。”)
  • 12、The feat is not just a parlour trick - it could help peoplevisualise how light travels in the curved fabric of space.(这一壮举,不只是客厅里玩耍的把戏-它可以帮助人们去想象光是怎样在弯曲空间的结构里传播。)
  • 13、I have known for quite a while that the best way tovisualise your desires is when you are completely relaxed.(我知道在相当长一段时间里,最好的想象方式是要求完全放松。)
  • 14、Or you may wish tovisualise yourself having achieved something, such as a promotion or a new job.(或者你可以想象自己已经取得了某些成就,例如一次晋升或一份新工作。)
  • 15、visualise your goals.(明确你的目标。)
  • 16、Hadid often used calligraphic sketches tovisualise ideas and Spaces, sometimes using paintings as precursors to buildings.(哈迪德经常用书法草图去描绘想法和空间,有时用绘画作为建筑的初期形式。)
  • 17、There are a number of useful ways tovisualise this architecture.(有很多有用的方法来形象表示该架构。)
  • 18、visualise a beam of light pouring down from the skies.(你似乎看到,有一道明亮的光柱从天上直射下来。)
  • 19、It's dramatic in physiology when you canvisualise something on a screen that nobody has ever seen before in human muscle.(这是生理学上颇具戏剧化的一刻,你能在屏幕上看到其他人前所未见的人类肌肉的部分东西。)
  • 20、visualise how you will feel when you overcome this obstacle.(想象如果克服了这个障碍,自己会有什么样的感觉。)
  • 21、There is so much that is coming your way by way of change that it would be difficult tovisualise without some guidance.(通过转变的方式此刻有着这么多的事情就要到来,如果没有某些引导,这将很难去弄个明白。)
  • 22、The experiments helpvisualise how light travels in space warped by gravity.(实验有助于形象化地显示光在被引力所弯曲空间内的传播情况。)
  • 23、In the case of an image,visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.(如果是图像,看见一个大型的“一站式”的迹象,或您的首选版本。)
  • 24、visualise and Communicate all Project Deliverables and Activities(对项目交付物和项目活动多考虑多沟通)
  • 25、Also on offer were benefits that are easier tovisualise. Some cuts in bound tariffs would have bitten into actual rates.(提议中还是有不少显而易见的好处,那些削减约束关税的国家必然伤及实际税率。)
  • 26、visualise a great mountain.(你看到了一座大山。)
  • 27、E {-8} is rather more difficult tovisualise.(E{-8}更加难以描绘。)


英 ['vɪzjʊəlaɪz] 美 ['vɪʒʊrlˌaɪz] 

